
Splitting a file by lines into N guaranteed files as evenly as possible using AWK

如果我有一个文件,bigfile.csv,它有 L+1 行长(包括一个 header),我的目标是将这个文件均匀地分成 N 个文件(比如 100)尽可能将 header 附加到每个拆分中。假设我知道文件中有多少行,以及它需要分成多少个文件,这是先验的。


awk 'NR==1 {h=[=10=]; next} (NR-2)% 100==0 {filename = sprintf("%04d",int((NR-2)/100)+1) ".smallfile.csv"; print h >> filename} {print >> filename}' bigfile.csv


  1. 除非原始文件中的行数可以被N整除,否则将有N-1个文件的ceil(L/N)行,最后一个文件的行数明显少于其他文件。不过,这没什么大不了的。
  2. 在某些情况下,如果 N 很大并且 L 和 N 之间的比率很低,那么您将无法保证有 N 个文件。例如,如果原始文件有 6021 行要拆分为 100 个文件,那么最终将只有 99 个文件,因为每个文件有 61 行。

我如何在 AWK 中执行此操作?理想情况下,给定上述示例,将 6021 行拆分为 100 个文件将有 21 个文件有 61 行,其余文件有 60 行。

我知道您可以在 unix 中使用 split(1) 并使用 round-robin 样式,但这会改变行的顺序。稍后这些行会被分布式处理并重新组装,所以保持相同的顺序会更理想。


awk -v files=100 'NR == FNR { linecount = FNR; next } FNR == 1 { chunksize = (linecount - 1) / files; h = [=10=]; next } FNR > nextsplit { close(filename); ++chunk; filename = sprintf("%04d.smallfile.csv", chunk); nextsplit = 1 + int(chunksize * chunk + 0.5); print h >> filename } { print >> filename }' bigfile.csv bigfile.csv

为了将文件分割成均匀的块,我们必须知道它有多少行才能开始分割,所以这需要两次传递——这就是 bigfile.csv 被提到两次的原因。


NR == FNR {         # During the first pass: remember the line count.
  linecount = FNR   # I'd like to use ENDFILE for this, but mawk doesn't
                    # know it. Oh well.
  next              # Do nothing else for the first pass.
FNR == 1 {          # first line of the second pass:
  chunksize = (linecount - 1) / files  # calculate chunksize
  h = [=11=]                               # remember header.
  next                                 # skip to data
FNR > nextsplit {   # When we pass a split point:
  close(filename)   # close previous output file (if any)
  ++chunk           # update chunk counter and build new output file name
  filename = sprintf("%04d.smallfile.csv", chunk)

  # and calculate the next split point. This is very simply
  # chunksize * chunk rounded to the next integer. The rounding is important
  # to ward of floating point rounding errors that might leave us with a
  # one-line file at the end if 1234.9999999 were rounded down to 1234.
  # offset of one because we don't count the header as part of the split data.
  nextsplit = 1 + int(chunksize * chunk + 0.5)

  # Then print the header to the new file
  print h >> filename
{ print >> filename } # and print all lines to the file.
# create a test bigfile
{ echo "header"; seq 6021; } > bigfile.csv

# strip the header
sed 1d bigfile.csv > "$tmp"
header=$( sed 1q bigfile.csv )

# split the file
split --suffix-length=${#N} --numeric-suffixes=1 --additional-suffix=.csv --number=r/$N $t smallfile.

# add the header to each file
sed -i "1i\
$header" small*


$ wc -l small*
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