如何在弗雷格的非纯本机函数中声明可变类型的 Maybe?

How do I declare Maybe of a mutable type in an non-pure native function in Frege?

native-gen 工具为 showOpenDialog javafx.stage.FileChooser 中的方法像这样

data FileChooser = mutable native javafx.stage.FileChooser where
 native showOpenDialog :: FileChooser -> Window -> IO File


Non pure native type File must be MutableIO
    File in IO actions.


native showOpenDialog :: FileChooser -> Window -> MutableIO File


FileChooser.showOpenDialog has an illegal
    return type for a method that is not pure, perhaps ST s (MutableIO
    File) would work


编译器接受IOMutable File作为return类型,这是有道理的 因为它是一个 IO 操作,return 是一个可变类型。


但是,在这种特殊情况下,文件可以为空等 核心类型不是File而是Maybe File。 但是随后仅使用 IOMutable (Maybe File) 会导致相当令人惊讶的消息

The type MutableIO (Maybe File) is illegal,
    Maybe File must be a native type.


native-gen生成的代码是错误的,因为File已经declared as IO in native-gen but File is actually defined as a stateful (not IO) native type as can be seen from here

IOMutable 定义为 type IOMutable d = IO (MutableIO d)。 对于您的情况,可变本机类型 (MutableIO d) 可以为空,因此以下内容应该有效:

data FileChooser = mutable native javafx.stage.FileChooser where
  native showOpenDialog :: FileChooser -> Window -> IO (Maybe (MutableIO File))