使 Matplotlib 地图绘图相互对齐

Make Matplotlib map plots line up with each other

我正在尝试在 Python 中生成一个将显示(除其他外)的图形:

A) 从墨卡托投影图像转换而来的底图

B) 标记的网格线


Matplotlib Basemap 和 Cartopy 我都试过了。 Cartopy可以做(A),Basemap可以做(B),但是Cartopy只能在PlateCarree图上标注网格线,Basemap不支持使用imshow().



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import cartopy.crs as ccrs

#Setup figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))

#Set figure limits (lat long)
xlimits = [25, 42]
ylimits = [25, 40]
#Where the projection is centred
centre = [33, 33]

#Image limits in Mercator Eastings and Northings
imxlimits = [25, 42]
imylimits = [25, 40]
#Transform image Limits
imextent = tuple(ccrs.Mercator().transform_points(ccrs.Geodetic(),
    np.array(imxlimits),  np.array(imylimits))[:, 0:2].T.flatten())
#Load image
image = plt.imread(Dir + 'topo.png')

tm = ccrs.TransverseMercator(central_longitude=centre[0], central_latitude=centre[1])
ll = ccrs.Geodetic()

#Setup image axies
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=tm)
ax.set_extent(xlimits + ylimits, ll)          #<--Limits defined here

#Plot image transformed
ax.imshow(image, origin='upper', extent=imextent, transform=ccrs.Mercator())

#Create axes for gridlines
axl = fig.add_subplot(111)
#Make the figure background transparent

#Make basemap instance
m = Basemap(projection='tmerc', resolution='h', ax=axl,
    lat_0=centre[1], lon_0=centre[0],
    llcrnrlon=xlimits[0], llcrnrlat=ylimits[0],    #<--Limits defined here
    urcrnrlon=xlimits[1], urcrnrlat=ylimits[1])

m.drawcoastlines() #to check if the images match up
#Draw gridlines
m.drawparallels(np.arange(20, 50), labels=[False, True, False, False])
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(20, 50), labels=[False, False, False, True])





所以我设法通过替换 Cartopy 限制的定义方式使其工作,而不是:

ax.set_extent(xlimits + ylimits, ll)


tmlims = tm.transform_points(ll, np.array(xlimits),  np.array(ylimits))


ax.set_extent([tmlims[0][0], tmlims[1][0], tmlims[0][1], tmlims[1][1]], tm)

由于绘图已经在横向墨卡托坐标系中,我不知道为什么手动进行转换会有所不同(因为定义 ll 而不是 tm 应该进行相同的转换)。也许我误解了它是如何转换限制的。

在寻找这个解决方案的过程中,我还发现了这些代码,它们可能会帮助人们解决其他 'Maps not lining up' 问题:

ax.get_extent(crs) #Return the extents of the Cartopy axies in the given co-ordinates
#These work with any matplotlib axies
ax.set_anchor('W') #Anchor the plot to the left (in this case) of the canvas 
ax.set_aspect('equal') #Distort (or not) the aspects of the plot

http://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html and http://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/v0.4/matplotlib/geoaxes.html