Google 现在处理 whatsapp 消息传递

Google now handles whatsapp messaging



How to send whatsApp message without opening WhatsApp?


  1. 打开 whatsApp -> select 联系人。意向消息集将发送给该​​联系人。
  2. 打开与特定联系人的 whatsApp -> 手动粘贴在 intent 中设置的消息并点击发送。

因此,WhatsApp 没有提供完全在后台直接向联系人发送消息的选项。

如果是这样,那么 GoogleNow 是如何获得 whatsApp 不可用服务的?

如果它是在 google 或 whatsApp 中开放的新服务,我可以得到指示以便我可以在我的应用程序中使用它吗?

WhatsApp 没有关于它的任何信息,也没有任何 API。

Refer to these discussions:

WhatsApp's philosophy is to push storage down to devices, rather than doing central server based message storage. This means the API needs to live on the device as well.

Because "WhatsApp does not want to inundate users with messages they don't want to see", per Brian Acton in the latest F8 conference. While that may be sad for developers, I think it's a good decision. WhatsApp's appeal is private, human, group conversations. It does that extremely well and for more than a billion people. Disturbing that would be risky.

Several companies around the world could benefit on developing customer service apps through WhatsApp.

而在 WhatsApp 的官方页面中,只有 these 集成信息(实际上是 Android 系统功能)。


所以,我们还不可能(不幸的是)这样做。我们将不得不等待 WhatsApp 详细说明一些 API。