哪个 AWS 实例适合 ImageMagick 处理?

Which AWS instance suitable for ImageMagick processing?

我目前正在使用 aws t1 微型实例。最近,我刚刚安装了 Fred 的 ImageMagick 脚本中的 textcleaner 脚本。我意识到 textcleaner 进程需要很长时间才能完成。

如果我要升级我的实例,我应该选择哪个实例?具有更多 CPU 处理能力或更多图形处理能力的?

我刚在 serverFault 上发现这个:


In other words, look for machines with minimal amount of memory (4-8GB) and many cores or even many CPUs. If you're using Amazon, then High-CPU Instances is what you're looking for. For very large load, it may be good idea to look at cluster instances.