Visual Basic 2008 Combobox 项目历史轨迹(winforms)

Visual Basic 2008 Combobox item history track (winforms)


例如,假设一个组合框有 3 个项目:1、2、3 选择项目2和3(从下拉列表组合列表中)时,我想知道选择项目3后的上一项是项目2。

有人可以帮帮我吗?我将使用它来 decrease/increase 购物篮中的数量。当用户选择一种产品时,数量必须自动减少,但如果用户更改为另一种产品,则必须再次增加前一种产品的数量以避免一致性问题。

这样的事情可能会有所帮助,我正在使用堆栈,因此您可以看到最后添加的条目。编辑:在初始化时,我为组合框设置了一个索引标记,这样您就可以将其添加到数组中该组合框的堆栈中。编辑 编辑:我已经添加,因此它会搜索所有组合框控件的表单并添加它们,因此您不必自己手动添加标签或组合框。

 Dim lastSelectedArr() As Stack(Of String)

Public Sub New()

    ' This call is required by the designer.

    ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
    Dim index As Integer = 1

    Dim combos As New List(Of ComboBox)

    For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
        If (c.GetType() = GetType(ComboBox)) Then
            Dim combo As ComboBox = CType(c, ComboBox)
            combo.Tag = index
            combos.Add(CType(c, ComboBox))
            index += 1
        End If

    ReDim lastSelectedArr(combos.Count - 1)

    For i As Integer = 0 To lastSelectedArr.Length - 1
        lastSelectedArr(i) = New Stack(Of String)

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged, ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged

    Dim cb As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)

    Dim CBID As Integer = CInt(cb.Tag) - 1


    Dim retStr As String = String.Empty

    For Each value As String In lastSelectedArr(CBID)
        retStr = retStr + value + ","

End Sub