
How to create multiproject with buck?

例如,我有两个(生成 apk 的 A,生成 aar 的 B)完全配置的项目(.buckconfig、.git 等等)。我需要做什么才能让我的项目 A 依赖于 B?例如我希望能够进入B项目目录并输入"buck build Bproject"来生成我的aar。如果有一些技巧可以使 A -> (B -> C) 依赖,那就太好了。谢谢!

此功能将来会出现在 Buck 中(参见 issue #116 in the Github repository), however it is not supported yet. For now you will likely have to use a workaround, such as put both projects into the same repository or build the aar of project B, check it into the repository of project A and reference it from an android_prebuilt_aar 规则。