bootstrap 与 <a> 一起使用时,警报信息文本在移动设备中变得不可读

bootstrap alert-info text gets unreadable in mobile device when use with <a>

我在 bootstrap class alert-info 中使用带有 <a></a> 的文本,它适用于大屏幕,但是当我从移动设备或我打开该页面时使 window 变小,然后文本变得不可读。但是,如果我在没有 <a></a> 标签的情况下使用它,那么就可以了。

          <a class="alert alert-info" href="/process/info/"><?php echo $oFontawesome->icon(array('icon'=>'external-link')).' '._('This case contains an course info that you need to pay. Please register your payment through "Payments".');?></a>

您不应该在 <a> 中使用 .alert,因为 <div> 具有属性 'display:block'<a> 没有。 如果你真的想在<a>中使用.alert,你需要为元素添加一个样式:

<a class="alert alert-info"
      This case contains an course info that you need to pay. Please register your payment through "Payments"

或者您可以将 <a> 标签放在 <div>:

  <a class="alert alert-info">
        This case contains an course info that you need to pay. Please register your payment through "Payments"