如何使用 dojo/Javascript 在 dgrid 中发送页面更改通知

how to send notification on page change in dgrid using dojo/Javascript

我正在使用带分页的 dgrid,我必须向用户发送通知,告知他当前正在查看 dgrid 的哪个页面。

libraries used for dgrid/Pagination:


dgrid creation:

        var CustomGrid = declare([Grid, Selection, Pagination]);
        this.grid = new CustomGrid({
            columns: columns,
            collection: new Memory({ data: [] }),
            selectionMode: "toggle",
            keepScrollPosition: true,
            noDataMessage: this.sharedNls.errorMessages.invalidSearch,
            pagingLinks: true,
            pagingTextBox: true,
            firstLastArrows: true,
            minRowsPerPage: 5,
            rowsPerPage: 100
        }, this.gridContainer);

Attaching events:

     on(this.grid, "(dgridPageChangeEventName)", lang.hitch(this, function (page) {
       // send notification code will be added here
       alert( "You are looking at page no " +  page);




没有为此发出特定的事件,因为通常这已经可以通过 gotoPage 用于切换页面的方法之后的方面检测到:

aspect.after(this.grid, 'gotoPage', function (promise, args) {
    // promise is the promise returned from the original gotoPage
    // args are the original arguments passed, so args[0] is the requested page #
    promise.then(function () {
        console.log('Now viewing page ' + args[0]);
    return promise;

PS:您不应该在同一个网格中同时使用 OnDemandGrid 和 Pagination,as mentioned in the documentation。直接将Pagination混合到Grid中。