
Creating a custom object literal

我正在寻找一种创建自定义 Object() 对象的方法。我想要一种方法来检查给定对象是什么的实例。我需要一种方法来区分自定义对象和本机对象。

function CustomObj (data) {
  if (data) return data
  return {}
CustomObj.prototype = Object.prototype

var custom = new CustomObj()
var content = new CustomObj({'hello', 'world'})
var normal = new Object()

console.log(custom) // => {}
console.log(content) // => {'hello', 'world'}
console.log(custom instanceof CustomObj) // => true (expected: true)
console.log(content instanceof CustomObj) // => true (expected: true)
console.log(custom instanceof Object) // => true (expected: false)
console.log(content instanceof Object) // => true (expected: false)
console.log(normal instanceof CustomObj) // => true (expected: false)
console.log(normal instanceof Object) // => true (expected: true)

我假设这是因为我从 Object 继承了 prototypes。我尝试添加一个 this.name 但它没有改变 instanceof.


function CustomObj (data) {
  CustomObj.prototype = Object.create(null)
  CustomObj.prototype.x = "Hello world!"

  return Object.create(CustomObj.prototype)

var custom = new CustomObj()
var normal = new Object()

console.log(custom.x); // => "Hello world!" (expected: "Hello world!")
console.log(custom instanceof CustomObj) // => true (expected: true)
console.log(custom instanceof Object) // => false (expected: false)
console.log(normal instanceof CustomObj) // => false (expected: false)
console.log(normal instanceof Object) // => true (expected: true)

This answer is wrong. I'm keeping it here because the comments might be useful to understand the question.

所有表达式的计算结果为真的原因是 instanceof 在左侧的实例原型中搜索右侧构造函数("type")的原型链。 Object 的原型和 CustomObj 的原型是相同的,因此表达式在所有情况下都为真

function Custom (literal) {
  if (literal) return literal
  return {}
Custom.prototype = Object.prototype
Custom.prototype.constructor = Custom

var foo = new Custom()

if (foo.constructor.name === 'Custom') {
  // foo is a custom object literal

// However it registers as an instance of both `Custom` and `Object`
console.log(foo instanceof Custom) // => true
console.log(foo instanceof Object) // => true
console.log({} instanceof Custom) // => true
console.log({} instanceof Object) // => true