
Swift: Get all subviews of a specific type and add to an array

我在 UIView 中有一个自定义 class 按钮,我想将其添加到数组中以便于访问它们。有没有办法获取特定 class 的所有子视图并将其添加到 Swift 中的数组?

我现在无法测试,但这应该可以在 Swift 2:

view.subviews.flatMap{ [=10=] as? YourView }



countDots = allDots!.view.subviews.flatMap{[=11=] as? Dot}.count

使用 is 运算符的 filter 函数可以过滤特定 class 的项目。

let myViews = view.subviews.filter{[=10=] is MyButtonClass}

MyButtonClass 是要过滤的自定义 class。

要过滤并投射 视图到自定义类型,请使用compactMap

let myViews = view.subviews.compactMap{[=11=] as? MyButtonClass}


for (index,button) in (view.subviews.filter{[=10=] is UIButton}).enumerated(){
    button.isHidden = false


private func getSubviewsOf<T : UIView>(view:UIView) -> [T] {
    var subviews = [T]()

    for subview in view.subviews {
        subviews += getSubviewsOf(view: subview) as [T]

        if let subview = subview as? T {

    return subviews

要获取视图层次结构中的所有 UILabel,只需执行以下操作:

let allLabels : [UILabel] = getSubviewsOf(view: theView)


    extension UIView {

    /** This is the function to get subViews of a view of a particular type 
    func subViews<T : UIView>(type : T.Type) -> [T]{
        var all = [T]()
        for view in self.subviews {
            if let aView = view as? T{
        return all

/** This is a function to get subViews of a particular type from view recursively. It would look recursively in all subviews and return back the subviews of the type T */
        func allSubViewsOf<T : UIView>(type : T.Type) -> [T]{
            var all = [T]()
            func getSubview(view: UIView) {
                if let aView = view as? T{
                guard view.subviews.count>0 else { return }
                view.subviews.forEach{ getSubview(view: [=10=]) }
            getSubview(view: self)
            return all


let allSubviews = view.allSubViewsOf(type: UIView.self)
let allLabels = view.allSubViewsOf(type: UILabel.self)



所以只需检查视图的 subViews 集合是否包含特定种类的 class,我们可以使用这个

let containsBannerViewKind = view.subviews.first(where: { [=10=] is BannerView }) != nil

这相当于:在该视图的子视图集合中找到与 BannerView class 的第一个匹配项。所以如果这是真的,我们就可以进行进一步的推理了。


func allSubViews(views: [UIView]) {
    for view in views {
        if let tf = view as? UITextField {
             // Do Something
        self.allSubViews(views: view.subviews)

self.allSubViews(views: self.view.subviews)

从 Swift 4.1 开始,您可以使用新的 compactMap(flatMap 现已弃用):https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/sequence/2950916-compactmap (见里面的例子)


let buttons:[UIButton] = stackView.subviews.compactMap{ [=10=] as? UIButton }


let _ = stackView.subviews.compactMap{ [=11=] as? UIButton }.map { [=11=].isSelected = false }


extension UIView {

    func firstSubView<T: UIView>(ofType type: T.Type) -> T? {
        var resultView: T?
        for view in subviews {
            if let view = view as? T {
                resultView = view
            else {
                if let foundView = view.firstSubView(ofType: T.self) {
                    resultView = foundView
        return resultView

这里的许多答案不必要地冗长或不够笼统。以下是如何获取一个视图的所有子视图,在 任何深度,它们是 任何 所需的 class:

extension UIView {
    func subviews<T:UIView>(ofType WhatType:T.Type) -> [T] {
        var result = self.subviews.compactMap {[=10=] as? T}
        for sub in self.subviews {
            result.append(contentsOf: sub.subviews(ofType:WhatType))
        return result


let arr = myView.subviews(ofType: MyButtonClass.self)

我已经看完了上面的所有答案,它们涵盖了视图当前显示在 window 中的场景,但不提供视图控制器中未显示在 window 中的那些视图=31=].

根据@matt 的回答,我编写了以下函数,它使用下一个响应程序递归遍历所有视图,包括不可见视图控制器、子视图控制器、导航控制器视图控制器


    /// Returns the array of subviews in the view hierarchy which match the provided type, including any hidden
    /// - Parameter type: the type filter
    /// - Returns: the resulting array of elements matching the given type
    func allSubviews<T:UIView>(of type:T.Type) -> [T] {
        var result = self.subviews.compactMap({[=10=] as? T})
        var subviews = self.subviews

        // *********** Start looking for non-visible view into view controllers ***********
        // Inspect also the non visible views on the same level
        var notVisibleViews = [UIView]()
        subviews.forEach { (v) in
            if let vc = v.next as? UIViewController {
                let childVCViews = vc.children.filter({[=10=].isViewLoaded && [=10=].view.window == nil }).compactMap({[=10=].view})
                notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: childVCViews)
            if let vc = v.next as? UINavigationController {
                let nvNavVC = vc.viewControllers.filter({[=10=].isViewLoaded && [=10=].view.window == nil })
                let navVCViews = nvNavVC.compactMap({[=10=].view})
                notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: navVCViews)
                // detect child vc in not visible vc in the nav controller
                let childInNvNavVC = nvNavVC.compactMap({[=10=].children}).reduce([],+).compactMap({[=10=].view})
                notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: childInNvNavVC)
            if let vc = v.next as? UITabBarController {
                let tabViewControllers = vc.viewControllers?.filter({[=10=].isViewLoaded && [=10=].view.window == nil }) ?? [UIViewController]()
                // detect navigation controller in the hidden tab bar view controllers
                let vc1 = tabViewControllers.compactMap({[=10=] as? UINavigationController})
                vc1.forEach { (vc) in
                    let nvNavVC = vc.viewControllers.filter({[=10=].isViewLoaded && [=10=].view.window == nil })
                    let navVCViews = nvNavVC.compactMap({[=10=].view})
                    notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: navVCViews)
                    // detect child vc in not visible vc in the nav controller
                    let childInNvNavVC = nvNavVC.compactMap({[=10=].children}).reduce([],+).compactMap({[=10=].view})
                    notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: childInNvNavVC)
                // ad non-navigation controller in the hidden tab bar view controllers
                let tabVCViews = tabViewControllers.compactMap({([=10=] as? UINavigationController) == nil ? [=10=].view : nil})
                notVisibleViews.append(contentsOf: tabVCViews)
        subviews.append(contentsOf: notVisibleViews.removingDuplicates())

        // *********** End looking for non-visible view into view controllers ***********

        subviews.forEach({result.append(contentsOf: [=10=].allSubviews(of: type))})

        return result.removingDuplicates()

    extension Array where Element: Hashable {
        func removingDuplicates() -> [Element] {
            var dict = [Element: Bool]()
            return filter { dict.updateValue(true, forKey: [=10=]) == nil }


let allButtons = keyWindow.allSubviews(of: UIButton.self)

注意:如果当前呈现模态视图控制器,则上述脚本不会找到包含在presentingViewController 中的视图。 (可以为此进行扩展,但我找不到实现它的 优雅 方法,因为这段代码本身已经不够优雅了:/)

这种需求可能并不常见,但也许可以帮助那里的人 :)

Swift 5

func findViewInside<T>(views: [UIView]?, findView: [T] = [], findType: T.Type = T.self) -> [T] {
    var findView = findView
    let views = views ?? []
    guard views.count > .zero else { return findView }
    let firstView = views[0]
    var loopViews = views.dropFirst()
    if let typeView = firstView as? T {
        findView = findView + [typeView]
        return findViewInside(views: Array(loopViews), findView: findView)
    } else if firstView.subviews.count > .zero {
        firstView.subviews.forEach { loopViews.append([=10=]) }
        return findViewInside(views: Array(loopViews), findView: findView)
    } else {
        return findViewInside(views: Array(loopViews), findView: findView)


findViewInside(views: (YourViews), findType: (YourType).self)