Javascript Window.Open 在新的 Window 和相同的 URL 中打开目标 URL

Javascript Window.Open Opens the Target URL in Both a New Window and the Same

基本上,我有一个带有社交媒体分享按钮的页面。其中一些可以正常工作(它们在新 window 中打开),但是,其他一些在新 window 和同一个 window 中打开。我已经为此疯狂了一天,我似乎找不到解决它的方法。


Link 按预期工作(Facebook、Twitter、Pinterest):

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="ism_link" onclick="indeedPinterestPopUp(2513);ism_fake_increment('.pinterest_share_count', 'pinterest', '');">

Link 打开 URL 以共享新的 window 和相同的:

<a href=";title=GSA%20Search%20Engine%20Ranker%20Ultimate%20Tutorial%20and%20Genuine%20Review%20%E2%80%93%20SEO%20Software%20of%20the%20Gods" class="ism_link" onclick="ism_fake_increment('.stumbleupon_share_count', 'stumbleupon', '');return !, '', 'width=700,height=575');">



我建议您不要使用 onclick 属性,因为它会导致代码极其混乱。相反,在 DOM.

中使用 .addEventListener()

要禁用 link 在同一个 window 中打开 link,只需禁用默认设置即可。这可以通过调用传递到回调中的对象的 .preventDefault() 方法在回调中使用 .addEventListener() 来完成:

//Get our link:
var link = document.getElementById("stumbleupon");
//Bind the click event:
link.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    //Prevent the link from opening regularly with .preventDefault():
    //The following code with the plugin does not work because we haven't included the plugin in the code snippet, but as you can clearly see if you click the link, the link has clearly been disabled because of the above call to .preventDefault().
    //Do different stuff with the plugin:
    ism_fake_increment('.stumbleupon_share_count', 'stumbleupon', '');
    return !, '', 'width=700,height=575');
<!-- Set the ID attribute so we can find this link in the DOM: -->
<a id="stumbleupon" href=";title=GSA%20Search%20Engine%20Ranker%20Ultimate%20Tutorial%20and%20Genuine%20Review%20%E2%80%93%20SEO%20Software%20of%20the%20Gods" class="ism_link">Hello! This is a link to!</a>