成功后在函数A中调用函数A 在angularjs中调用函数B

call function A in function A after success call function B in angular js

I am using some functions that send $http async request to server side.i want to call same current function after relogin user if response is "notlogin". I think i need to use promise but how?

 $scope.A = function(){
    $http({..,async: "isAsync",...})
    .success(function (response) {
        if (response.d == "notlogin") {
            if ($scope.B())//call back login to refresh session
                $scope.A();//repeat request if login return true

 $scope.B= function () {

        $scope.userlogin_error = "wait...";
        $http({...,async: "isAsync",...}).success(function (response) {

            if (response.d == "True") {
                $scope.userlogin_error = "login success";
                $scope.user_islogin = true;

                return true;

尝试将 $scope.B() 设为 promise(这是异步的,我理解正确吗?);

$scope.B = function(){
    var defer = $q.defer();
    if(something) {
    } else {
    return defer.promise;


您可以 return 通过 return 调用 $http 调用

成功回调 $scope.B()
$scope.A = function(){
   $http({..,async: "isAsync",...}).success(function (response) {
    if (response.d == "notlogin") {
           if(data.d == "True"){
                $scope.userlogin_error = "login success";
                $scope.user_islogin = true;

 $scope.B= function () {
   return $http({...,async: "isAsync",...});