使这个 sed 脚本与一个而不是另一个的这两对字符串有什么不同?

What is different about these two pairs of strings that makes this sed script with one and not the other?



I want= to keep this
        This is some <text> I want to keep <and "something" in tags that I" want to keep> aff FOO1 WebServices and some more "text" that" should "</be> </deleted>
        <this is stuff in tags I want=to begone> and other text I want gone too. </this is stuff in tags I want to begone> 
       A novice programmer walked into a "BAR2" descript keepthis
        and this even more text, let's keep it
    <I actually want this>
    and this= too.`

当我使用 sed -f script.sed file.txt 到 运行 这个脚本时:

# Check for "aff"
/\baff\b/    {   
# Define a label "a"
# If the line does not contain "desc"
# Get the next line of input and append
    # it to the pattern buffer
    # Branch back to label "a"
# Replace everything between aff and desc
s/\(\baff\)\b.*\b\(desc\b\)/TEST DATA/


       I want= to keep this
        This is some <text> I want to keep <and "something" in tags that I" want to keep> aff FOO1 WebServices and some more "text" that" should "</be> </deleted>
        <this is stuff in tags I want=to begone> and other text I want gone too. </this is stuff in tags I want to begone> 
       A novice programmer walked into a "BAR2" descript keepthis
        and this even more text, let's keep it
    <I actually want this>
    and this= too.

但是,只需将搜索字符串从 affdesc 更改为 FOO1BAR2

   # Check for "FOO1"
/\bFOO1\b/    {   
# Define a label "a"
# If the line does not contain "BAR2"
# Get the next line of input and append
    # it to the pattern buffer
    # Branch back to label "a"
# Replace everything between FOO1 and BAR2
s/\(\bFOO1\)\b.*\b\(BAR2\b\)/TEST DATA/


I want= to keep this
This is some <text> I want to keep <and "something" in tags that I" want to keep> aff FOO1TEST DATABAR2" descript keepthis
    and this even more text, let's keep it
<I actually want this>
and this= too.`

我完全不知道这里发生了什么。为什么在 FOO1BAR2 之间搜索的工作方式与使用 affdesc 的完全相同的脚本不同?

结束标记应为 \bdesc 而不是 \bdesc\b

注意模式中的 \b,它匹配 word boundary。您上面的文字包含单词 description,但不包含 desc

你之前的问题让我假设你想要那个。如果您不关心单词边界,请完全删除 \b 转义序列。