laravel5 composer 安装错误zend guar loader

laravel5 composer install error zend guar loader

我尝试安装 Laravel 5.1:

php composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist


Error Output: Zend Guard Loader requires Zend Engine API version 220090626.
  The Zend Engine API version 220121212 which is installed, is newer.
  Contact Zend Technologies at for a later version of Ze
  nd Guard Loader.

此问题是由于 php.ini 文件中设置的值引起的,该文件可能正在搜索错误的版本号。

检查这些值是否指向正确的 ZEND 版本,或禁用 ZEND Guard Loader(后者可能不是最好的)..
