使用 highlighttextarea 插件突出显示 textarea 中的文本(如果不在数组中)

Highlight Text in textarea if not in the array using highlighttextarea plugin

我正在使用 jQuery highlightTextarea 插件来突出显示 html textarea 中的单词。

jQuery highlightTextarea


var words = ['google', 'facebook', 'github', 'microsoft', 'yahoo', 'Whosebug'];


我的 jsfiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/fr7wb2b4/11/


$(document).ready(function () {
var words = ['google', 'facebook', 'github', 'microsoft', 'yahoo', 'Whosebug'];
        words: [
           { color : '#F00', 
              words  : ['(.+)'] 
            },         // Make everything highlighted

            { color : '#FFF',
              words : words 
            }          // Make white what matched

Fiddle with it over here

您也可以使用 words : ['(\w+)'] 仅突出显示最初的单词



$.each(this.settings.words, function(color, words) {
        text = text.replace(
            new RegExp(that.spacer+'('+ words.join('|') +')'+that.spacer, that.regParam),
            '<mark style="background-color:'+ color +';"></mark>'

所以您可以用您自己的函数替换 highlight 函数,并执行您选择的任何逻辑来突出显示(开源万岁!)

例如,您可以复制粘贴整个函数,只需将 $.each(words... 循环替换为以下内容即可:

var replaced = '',
    tokens = text.split(' '); 
$.each(tokens, function(ind, token) {
   if (this.settings.words.indexOf(token) != -1) {
     // this token in the text is part of the 'words' - do not highlight
     replaced += token;
   else {
     // this token isn't part of the words - highlight it
     replaced += '<span style="...">'+token+'</span>';
   replaced += ' ';
text = replaced;