AWS opsworks 如何管理用户上传的内容

How AWS opsworks manages user uploaded content

可能是个菜鸟问题,网上查不到明确答案,求助。 场景是:我有两个 php 服务器实例(假设 A 和 B),一个负载平衡实例和一个 mysql。 Stack 几乎准备就绪,但我心中的一个困惑是用户上传的照片会发生什么。

Suppose user comes to sever 'A' through load balancer and uploads the image which gets stored on my "webroot" folder on server 'A'. Now after few days user visits the website again and this time hits server 'B'. He won't be able to see his image as it is residing on server 'A'. I want to know how AWS opswork handles this problem?? Will it sync the data automatically or some extra chef receipe needs to be created from my side.

请指导我。我正在将 opswork 应用到我的网站,这种混乱让我无法继续。任何链接都会有用。

我在 serverfault 上发了同样的帖子并得到了答案。

It will not sync the data. We need to apply mannual approach for the same either through storing the data on Amazon S3 or using NFS as intermediate layer
