如何从现有的 C# 代码生成 visio 文件

How can generate visio file from existing C# code

我构建了一个可以正常工作的完整项目,但我要求为遵循代码结构的项目生成业务模型。我的问题是代码非常大,无法手动绘制 BPM。有什么方法可以从代码中提取 Visio 13 Bpmn?或任何使这个问题最简单的方法。

没有办法做到这一点,基于@Nikolay 重播:
"Visual representation was proved to be rather useless for code (if we are not talking about whiteboard). RIP Rational Rose - what a fuss there was like 10 years ago.. Where is it now? BPMN is not designed to document code, it's for modeling business processes." 感谢您的帮助。