
Multiple triangle intersection

我有一个二维点数组 space。我试图从这些点创建尽可能多的三角形但是:



newTriangles := false
    newTriangles := false
    for a in points:
        for b in points:
            if b = a:

            for c in points:
                if c = a or c = b:
                // So now we have every combination of a, b and c

                // Now the tests
                if not valid_triangle(a, b, c) then continue

                containsPoint := false
                for p in points:
                    if p = a or p = b or p = c:

                    if contains(a, b, c, p):
                        containsPoint := true // first 3 params are the vertices of the triangle, the 4th is the point for test

                if containsPoint:

                // Now the last test, the existing triangle intersection
                intersects := false
                for triangle in triangles:
                    if intersects(triangle, a, b, c):
                        intersects := true

                // It passed every test, it can be a triangle
                if not intersects:
                    triangles.add(new triange(a, b, c))
                    newTriangles := true
while newTriangles

这连接了一些三角形,但每个三角形都与其他三角形隔离。我猜交叉点检查 returns 是真的。现在更好地说明我的问题:



这是我的相交算法(这是真实的 Java 代码):

public static boolean intersects(Vector2f a, Vector2f b, Vector2f c, Triangle other) {
        boolean x = (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.b) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.b)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.b) || Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.b)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.b) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.b));

        boolean y = (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.b, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.b, other.c)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.b, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.b, other.c)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.b, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.b, other.c));

        boolean z = (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.c)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.c)) ||
                    (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.c) || Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.c));

        return (x || y || z ||
                other.contains(a) || other.contains(b) || other.contains(c));


public static boolean segmentIntersects(Vector2f ps1, Vector2f pe1, Vector2f ps2, Vector2f pe2) {
        return (Line2D.linesIntersect(ps1.x, ps1.y, pe1.x, pe1.y, ps2.x, ps2.y, pe2.x, pe2.y));


private static float sign(Vector2f p1, Vector2f p2, Vector2f p3) {
        return (p1.x - p3.x) * (p2.y - p3.y) - (p2.x - p3.x) * (p1.y - p3.y);
public static boolean contains(Vector2f a, Vector2f b, Vector2f c, Vector2f p) {
        boolean b1, b2, b3;
        b1 = sign(p, a, b) < 0.0f;
        b2 = sign(p, b, c) < 0.0f;
        b3 = sign(p, c, a) < 0.0f;
        return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3));


首先请注意,在您的 intersects 方法中,您进行了大量冗余检查!

boolean x = (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.b) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.a, other.c) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(a, b, other.b, other.c);

boolean y = (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.b) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.a, other.c) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(a, c, other.b, other.c);

boolean z = (Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.b) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.a, other.c) ||
            (Line.segmentIntersects(b, c, other.b, other.c);

这就是你所需要的!此处您正在检查三角形的每一边 abc 是否与另一个三角形的任何边相交。

在您的 return 中,您也可以通过不检查 other.contains(a) || other.contains(b) || other.contains(c) 来节省一些时间。由于 other 已被选为有效三角形,我们可以假设 other 不包含来自三角形 abc.


如果你的代码永远是 运行 那么我愿意打赌这是因为你没有检查三角形 abc 是否等于 另一个三角形.如果是,那么您应该停止查看 abc,因为它已经被添加了!

请注意,根据您的伪代码,您的代码确实应该暂停,因为您只使用 for 循环,应该保证终止。也许您应该检查这些循环的退出条件:)
