定义概念时是否允许使用 OR (`||`)?

Is OR (`||`) allowed when defining concepts?

我看到很多 "composite" 概念的例子是用 && 定义的,但是 none 中使用了 ||。这让我想知道使用 || 是否有意义。在我看来,使用 || 将允许指定一个概念,该概念具有类似于重载的效果(即临时多态性),但具有一组封闭的可能性。


 C1 || ... || CN




A constraint is a sequence of logical operations that specifies requirements on template arguments. They can appear within requires-expressions (see below) and directly as bodies of concepts There are 9 types of constraints:

  1. conjunctions
  2. disjunctions
  3. predicate constraints
  4. expression constraints (only in a requires-expression)
  5. type constraints (only in a requires-expression)
  6. implicit conversion constraints (only in a requires-expression)
  7. argument deduction constraints (only in a requires-expression)
  8. exception constraints (only in a requires-expression)
  9. parametrized constraints (only in a requires-expression)


Disjunction of constraints P and Q is specified as P || Q. A disjunction of two constraints is satisfied if either constraint is satisfied. Disjunctions are evaluated left to right and short-circuited (if the left constraint is satisfied, template argument deduction into the right constraint is not attempted). User-defined overloads of operator|| are not allowed in constraint disjunctions.

您几乎可以在约束中使用任何常量表达式(包括 ||)。唯一的限制是那些表达式必须 return bool.

|| 的一个用途是定义已知共享公共接口的类型集。例如,积分 (std::is_integral) 可以定义为多个相同类型约束 (is_same<T, int>) 的析取。我不建议这样做。您应该以附加方式定义概念。