是否存在渐近优化一系列 MonadPlus 操作的代码密度 MonadPlus?

Is there a Codensity MonadPlus that asymptotically optimizes a sequence of MonadPlus operations?

最近有一个 关于 DList <-> []Codensity <-> Free.[=41= 之间的关系]

这让我想到MonadPlus是否有这样的事情。 Codensity monad 仅提高 monadic 操作的渐近性能,而不是 mplus.

此外,虽然曾经有 Control.MonadPlus.Free,但现在已经是 in favor of FreeT f []. And since there is no explicit free MonadPlus, I'm not sure how one would express a corresponding improve 变体。也许像

improvePlus :: Functor f => (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a) -> FreeT f [] a


更新: 我试图使用回溯 LogicT monad 创建这样一个 monad,它的定义方式似乎类似于 Codensity

newtype LogicT r m a = LogicT { unLogicT :: forall r. (a -> m r -> m r) -> m r -> m r }



{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Logic

lowerLogic :: (MonadPlus m) => LogicT m a -> m a
lowerLogic k = runLogicT k (\x k -> mplus (return x) k) mzero


instance (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => MonadFree f (LogicT m) where
    wrap t = LogicT (\h z -> wrap (fmap (\p -> runLogicT p h z) t))


improvePlus :: (Functor f, MonadPlus mr)
            => (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a)
            -> FreeT f mr a
improvePlus k = lowerLogic k

但是,它有些不对劲,因为从我最初的实验来看,对于某些示例,kimprovePlus k 不同。我不确定,如果这是 LogicT 的基本限制并且需要一个不同的、更复杂的 monad,或者只是我错误地定义了 lowerLogic(或其他东西)。

以下都是基于我对这个非常(错误)的理解 马修皮克林在他的 评论:从幺半群到近半环:MonadPlus 的本质和 备选方案(E. Rivas、M. Jaskelioff、T. Schrijvers)。所有的结果都是他们的;所有的错误都是我的。

从自由幺半群到 DList

为了建立直觉,首先考虑自由幺半群 [] Haskell 类型的类别 Hask[] 的一个问题是如果 你有

(xs `mappend` ys) `mappend` zs = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs

然后评估需要遍历和重新遍历xs mappend.


解决办法是用形式的CPS区别 列表:

newtype DList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }

这篇论文考虑了这个的通用形式(称为 Cayley 表示),我们不受自由幺半群的约束:

newtype Cayley m = Cayley{ unCayley :: Endo m }


toCayley :: (Monoid m) => m -> Cayley m
toCayley m = Cayley $ Endo $ \m' -> m `mappend` m'

fromCayley :: (Monoid m) => Cayley m -> m
fromCayley (Cayley k) = appEndo k mempty


我们可以通过两种方式概括上述构造:首先,通过 考虑幺半群不超过 Hask,但超过 Hask 的内函子; i.e. 单子;其次,通过将代数结构丰富为 近半环。

Free 单子到 Codensity

对于任何 Haskell (endo)functor f,我们可以构建 free monad Free f 和 它将具有与左嵌套绑定类似的性能问题, 与使用 Cayley 表示的类似解决方案 Codensity.


这是本文停止审查众所周知的概念的地方 由正在工作的 Haskell 程序员,并开始确定其目标。一种 near-semiring 就像一个环,除了更简单,因为加法和 乘法只需要是幺半群。之间的联系 这两个操作就是你所期望的:

zero |*| a = zero
(a |+| b) |*| c = (a |*| c) |+| (b |*| c)

其中 (zero, |+|)(one, |*|) 是一些上面的两个幺半群 共享基础:

class NearSemiring a where
    zero :: a
    (|+|) :: a -> a -> a
    one :: a
    (|*|) :: a -> a -> a

免费的near-semiring(超过Hask)原来是下面这样 Forest类型:

newtype Forest a = Forest [Tree a]
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Forest a)

instance NearSemiring (Forest a) where
    zero = Forest []
    one = Forest [Leaf]
    (Forest xs) |+| (Forest ys) = Forest (xs ++ ys)
    (Forest xs) |*| (Forest ys) = Forest (concatMap g xs)
        g Leaf = ys
        g (Node a n) = [Node a (n |*| (Forest ys))]

(幸好我们没有交换律或逆律, 那些做自由交涉的远非 琐碎...)

然后,论文两次应用凯莱表示,对两个 单体结构。

However, if we do this naively, we do not get a good representation: we want to represent a near-semiring, and therefore the whole near-semiring structure must be taken into account and not just one chosen monoid structure. [...] [W]e obtain the semiring of endomorphisms over endomorphisms DC(N):

newtype DC n = DC{ unDC :: Endo (Endo n) }

instance (Monoid n) => NearSemiring (DC n) where
    f |*| g = DC $ unDC f `mappend` unDC g
    one = DC mempty
    f |+| g = DC $ Endo $ \h -> appEndo (unDC f) h `mappend` h
    zero = DC $ Endo $ const mempty

(我将此处的实现从论文中略微更改为 强调我们使用了 Endo 结构两次)。我们什么时候 概括这一点,这两个层将不相同。纸然后 继续说:

Note that rep is not a near-semiring homomorphism from N into DC(N) as it does not preserve the unit [...] Nevertheless, [...] the semantics of a computation over a near-semiring will be preserved if we lift values to the representation, do the near-semiring computation there, and then go back to the original near-semiring.


然后论文继续重新表述 MonadPlus 类型类,因此 它对应于近半环规则:(mzero, mplus) 是幺半群的:

m `mplus` mzero = m
mzero `mplus` m = m
m1 `mplus` (m2 `mplus` m3) = (m1 `mplus` m2) `mplus` m3

并且它按预期与 monad-monoid 交互:

join mzero = mzero
join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1 `mplus` join m2


mzero >>= _ = mzero
(m1 `mplus` m2) >>= k = (m1 >>= k) `mplus` (m2 >>= k)

但是,这些 不是 现有 MonadPlus 的规则 类型类来自 base, 列为:

mzero >>= _  =  mzero
_ >> mzero   =  mzero

论文调用 MonadPlus 个满足 near-semiring-like 法则 "nondeterminism monads",以及 引用 Maybe 作为 MonadPlus 但不是 非确定性 monad,因为设置 m1 = Just Nothingm2 = Just (Just False)join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1 `mplus` join m2.



把所有东西放在一起,一方面我们有 Forest-like 免费的非确定性单子:

newtype FreeP f x = FreeP { unFreeP :: [FFreeP f x] }
data FFreeP f x = PureP x | ConP (f (FreeP f x))

instance (Functor f) => Functor (FreeP f) where
    fmap f x = x >>= return . f

instance (Functor f) => Monad (FreeP f) where
    return x = FreeP $ return $ PureP x
    (FreeP xs) >>= f = FreeP (xs >>= g)
        g (PureP x) = unFreeP (f x)
        g (ConP x) = return $ ConP (fmap (>>= f) x)

instance (Functor f) => MonadPlus (FreeP f) where
    mzero = FreeP mzero
    FreeP xs `mplus` FreeP ys = FreeP (xs `mplus` ys)

另一方面,两个幺半群的双凯莱表示 层数:

newtype (:^=>) f g x = Ran{ unRan :: forall y. (x -> f y) -> g y }
newtype (:*=>) f g x = Exp{ unExp :: forall y. (x -> y) -> (f y -> g y) }

instance Functor (g :^=> h) where
    fmap f m = Ran $ \k -> unRan m (k . f)

instance Functor (f :*=> g) where
    fmap f m = Exp $ \k -> unExp m (k . f)

newtype DCM f x = DCM {unDCM :: ((f :*=> f) :^=> (f :*=> f)) x}

instance Monad (DCM f) where
    return x = DCM $ Ran ($x)
    DCM (Ran m) >>= f = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> m $ \a -> unRan (unDCM (f a)) g

instance MonadPlus (DCM f) where
    mzero = DCM $ Ran $ \k -> Exp (const id)
    mplus m n = DCM $ Ran $ \sk -> Exp $ \f fk -> unExp (a sk) f (unExp (b sk) f fk)
        DCM (Ran a) = m
        DCM (Ran b) = n

caylize :: (Monad m) => m a -> DCM m a
caylize x = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> Exp $ \h m -> x >>= \a -> unExp (g a) h m

-- I wish I called it DMC earlier...
runDCM :: (MonadPlus m) => DCM m a -> m a
runDCM m = unExp (f $ \x -> Exp $ \h m -> return (h x) `mplus` m) id mzero
    DCM (Ran f) = m

该论文给出了以下计算示例 运行 FreeP:

表现不佳的非确定性 monad
anyOf :: (MonadPlus m) => [a] -> m a
anyOf [] = mzero
anyOf (x:xs) = anyOf xs `mplus` return x


length $ unFreeP (anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)

需要很长时间,Cayley 转换版本

length $ unFreeP (runDCM $ anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)
