为什么我的 SQL 结果与我的 Linq 结果不匹配?

Why don't my SQL results match my Linq results?

当我在 SQL 中 运行 这个查询时,我得到了我想要的:

SELECT Auckland_Park.Formative.[Formative Name]
FROM Auckland_Park.LearningUnit 
INNER JOIN Auckland_Park.Formative 
ON Auckland_Park.LearningUnit.ID = Auckland_Park.Formative.FK_LU 
INNER JOIN Auckland_Park.Reference 
INNER JOIN Auckland_Park.Course 
ON Auckland_Park.Reference.FK_Course = Auckland_Park.Course.ID 
ON Auckland_Park.LearningUnit.ID = Auckland_Park.Reference.FK_LU
WHERE Auckland_Park.Course.Name = 'BI'


Querying SQL Build 
Report Develop 
Java App Develop 
Andriod App Set up
SharePoint Server

但是当我使用 C# 应用程序时,我正在使用 LINQ to SQL,我的 LINQ 查询如下所示:

//LINQ Query to fill Foramtive Name ComboBox
CTUDataContext data = new CTUDataContext();
var course = (from r in data.LearningUnits                      
              join a in data.Formatives
              on r.ID equals a.FK_LU
              join f in data.References
              on r.ID equals f.FK_LU
              join g in data.Courses 
              on f.FK_LU equals g.ID
              where g.Name == ("BI")
              select new
                  formativeName = a.Formative_Name,
                  ID = a.ID

txtFormativeName.ItemsSource = course;
txtFormativeName.DisplayMemberPath = "formativeName";
txtFormativeName.SelectedValuePath = "ID";

看起来是一样的,但我得到的结果与上面 SQL 查询得到的结果不同。

    //LINQ Query to fill Foramtive Name ComboBox
CTUDataContext data = new CTUDataContext();
var course = (from r in data.LearningUnits                      
              join a in data.Formatives
              on r.ID equals a.FK_LU
              join f in data.References
              on r.ID equals f.FK_LU
              join g in data.Courses 
              on f.FK_LU equals g.ID
              where g.Name == ("BI")
              select new
                  formativeName = a.Formative_Name,
                  ID = a.ID

txtFormativeName.ItemsSource = course;
txtFormativeName.DisplayMemberPath = "formativeName";
txtFormativeName.SelectedValuePath = "ID";


on f.FK_LU equals g.ID


