如何复制 SAS 合并

How to replicate a SAS merge

我有两个 tables,t1 和 t2:

  person | visit | code1 | type1
       1       1      50      50 
       1       1      50      50 
       1       2      75      50 

  person | visit | code2 | type2
       1       1      50      50 
       1       1      50      50 
       1       1      50      50 

当 SAS 运行以下代码时:

   DATA t3;
     MERGE t1 t2;
     BY person visit;



       person | visit | code1 | type1 | code2 | type2
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       2      75      50

我想在 SQL 中复制这个过程,我的想法是使用全外连接。这有效,除非有重复的行。当我们像上面的例子一样有重复的行时,完全外部连接会产生以下 table:

       person | visit | code1 | type1 | code2 | type2
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       1      50      50      50      50
            1       2      75      50

我想知道如何让 SQl table 匹配 SAS table。

您可以通过向每个 table:

添加 row_number() 来复制 SAS 合并
select t1.*, t2.*
from (select t1.*,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t1
     ) t1 full outer join
     (select t2.*,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t2
     ) t2
     on t1.person = t2.person and t1.visit = t2.visit and
        t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum;


  • ??表示放入用于排序的列。 SAS 数据集具有内在顺序。 SQL table没有,所以需要指定顺序。
  • 您应该明确列出列(而不是在外部查询中使用 t1.*, t2.*)。我认为 SAS 在结果数据集中只包含 personvisit 一次。



select coalesce(t1.person, t2.person) as person,
       coalesce(t1.key, t2.key) as key,
       t1.code1, t1.type1, t2.code2, t2.type2
from (select t1.*,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t1
     ) t1 full outer join
     (select t2.*,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t2
     ) t2
     on t1.person = t2.person and t1.visit = t2.visit and
        t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum;

这解决了列问题。您可以使用 first_value()/last_value() 或使用更复杂的 join 条件来解决复制问题:

select coalesce(t1.person, t2.person) as person,
       coalesce(t1.visit, t2.visit) as visit,
       t1.code1, t1.type1, t2.code2, t2.type2
from (select t1.*,
             count(*) over (partition by person, visit) as cnt,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t1
     ) t1 full outer join
     (select t2.*,
             count(*) over (partition by person, visit) as cnt,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by ??) as seqnum
      from t2
     ) t2
     on t1.person = t2.person and t1.visit = t2.visit and
        (t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum or
        (t1.cnt > t2.cnt and t1.seqnum > t2.seqnum and t2.seqnum = t2.cnt) or
        (t2.cnt > t1.cnt and t2.seqnum > t1.seqnum and t1.seqnum = t1.cnt)

这在单个连接中实现了 "keep the last row" 逻辑。可能出于性能原因,您可能希望将其放入原始逻辑的单独 left join 中。


person  visit   code1   type1   seqnum  person  visit   code2   type2   seqnum
1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
1       1       2       2       2       1       1       2       2       2
NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    1       1       3       3       3
1       2       1       3       1       NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL


据我所知,在 SQL 中,除了将事情分成几个查询之外,没有真正好的方法来执行此操作。我觉得有五种可能:

  • 匹配person/visit,匹配seqnums
  • 匹配person/visit,左边有更多seqnums
  • 匹配person/visit,右边有更多seqnums
  • 左边有无双person/visit
  • 权已无双person/visit


所以这是一个示例,使用一些更适合查看正在发生的事情的临时 tables。请注意,第三行现在填写了 code1type1,即使它们是 'extra'。我只添加了五个标准中的三个 - 您在初始示例中的三个 - 但其他两个并不太难。

请注意,这是一个在 SAS 中 far 更快的示例 - 因为 SAS 具有按行的概念,即它能够一次移动一行。 SQL 在这些方面往往会花费更长的时间,tables 很大,除非可以非常整齐地划分事物并拥有非常好的索引 - 即使那样我也从未见过 SQL 在某些此类问题上,DBA 所做的工作与 SAS 几乎一样。当然,这是您必须接受的 - SQL 有其自身的优势,其中之一可能是价格...

这是我的示例代码。我确信它不是非常优雅,希望 SQL 的人可以改进它。这是为了在 SQL 服务器(使用 table 变量)中工作而编写的,同样的事情应该在其他变体中进行一些更改(使用临时 tables),假设它们实现窗口化。 (SAS 当然不能做这件事——因为即使 FedSQL 实现的是 ANSI 1999,而不是 ANSI 2008。)这是基于 Gordon 的初始查询,然后在末尾用附加位进行修改。任何想要对此进行改进的人,请随时编辑 and/or 复制到 new/existing 任何你想要的答案。

declare @t1 table (person INT, visit INT, code1 INT, type1 INT);
declare @t2 table (person INT, visit INT, code2 INT, type2 INT);

insert into @t1 values (1,1,1,1)
insert into @t1 values (1,1,2,2)
insert into @t1 values (1,2,1,3)

insert into @t2 values (1,1,1,1)
insert into @t2 values (1,1,2,2)
insert into @t2 values (1,1,3,3)

select coalesce(t1.person, t2.person) as person, coalesce(t1.visit, t2.visit) as visit,
                t1.code1, t1.type1, t2.code2, t2.type2
from (select *,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by type1) as seqnum
      from @t1
     ) t1 inner join
     (select *,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by type2) as seqnum
      from @t2
     ) t2
     on t1.person = t2.person and t1.visit = t2.visit and
        t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum
 union all

select coalesce(t1.person, t2.person) as person, coalesce(t1.visit, t2.visit) as visit,
                t1.code1, t1.type1, t2.code2, t2.type2
from (
      (select person, visit, MAX(seqnum) as max_rownum from (
        select person, visit, 
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by type1) as seqnum
      from @t1) t1_f 
      group by person, visit
     ) t1_m inner join
     (select *, row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by type1) as seqnum
       from @t1
      ) t1 
        on t1.person=t1_m.person and t1.visit=t1_m.visit
        and t1.seqnum=t1_m.max_rownum
        inner join
     (select *,
             row_number() over (partition by person, visit order by type2) as seqnum
      from @t2
     ) t2
     on t1.person = t2.person and t1.visit = t2.visit and
        t1.seqnum < t2.seqnum 
 union all
 select t1.person, t1.visit, t1.code1, t1.type1, t2.code2, t2.type2
     from @t1 t1 left join @t2 t2
    on t2.person=t1.person and t2.visit=t1.visit
    where t2.code2 is null