在 R 中编程层次聚类算法的教学方法

Pedagogical way of programming hierarchical clustering algorithm in R

我正在准备关于 R 机器学习的讲座,我想参加 hierarchical clustering as one example. I found this very instructive page here: http://home.deib.polimi.it/matteucc/Clustering/tutorial_html/hierarchical.html

它从以下距离 table 开始(在读取数据时请注意 NA 作为 column/row 名称,另见下文):

最短的距离是MITO之间的138,所以我们想把那些列和行合并到一个新的column/rowMI/TO中这个新复合对象 MI/TO 到所有剩余城市的距离等于原始城市之一的最短距离 MITO,例如MI/TORM564(来自 MI),因为它比 669(来自 TO)短。 (这种进行聚合的方式称为 single-linkage clustering)。所以我们有一个新的 table:

我开始用 R 对此进行编码,很快发现代码变得越来越混乱——远非初出茅庐的程序员可以轻松理解的东西。您知道可以以自然直观的方式进行此类数据操作的方法或程序包吗?

所以这是 R 中的起始 table:

D <- matrix(c(0,662,877,255,412,996,
              996,400,138,869,669,0), ncol=6, byrow=T)

rownames(D) <- colnames(D) <- c("BA","FI","MI","Na","RM","TO")

##     BA  FI  MI  Na  RM  TO
## BA   0 662 877 255 412 996
## FI 662   0 295 468 268 400
## MI 877 295   0 754 564 138
## Na 255 468 754   0 219 869
## RM 412 268 564 219   0 669
## TO 996 400 138 869 669   0

内置函数 "hclust" 已经是一个很好用的函数。

hc1 = hclust(as.dist(D), method = "single")



savemat = list()
D1 = D; diag(D1) = Inf # a trick to make zero a infinity
m = 1
while(dim(D1)[1] > 2) {
    # get the location of minimum distance
    minloc = which(D1 == min(D1), arr.ind = T)[1,]
    # make a two-column matrix then find out the minimum value of each row
    u = apply(cbind(D1[minloc[2],],D1[minloc[1],]),1,min)
    # updating the matrix
    D1[minloc[2],] = u 
    D1[,minloc[2]] = u
    u = paste0(rownames(D1)[minloc[2]],'/',rownames(D1)[minloc[1]])
    rownames(D1)[minloc[2]] = u
    colnames(D1)[minloc[2]] = u
    # deleting the merged column/row
    D1 = D1[-minloc[1],-minloc[1]]
    diag(D1) = Inf
    # save the steps into a list element mth
    savemat[[m]] = D1
    m = m + 1

将代码更新为递归函数和单独的打印函数,以便更好地了解正在发生的事情。与 hcl(<data.frame>,<log_level>) 一起使用。日志级别可以是 0 仅表示最终结果,1 表示打印中间数据集,2 表示打印每个步骤

# To be allowed to add column later, don't know a better way than coercing to data.frame
d <- data.frame(D,stringsAsFactors=F) 

myprt <- function(message,var) {

hcl <- function(d,prt=0) {
  if (prt) myprt("Starting dataset:",d)

  # 1) Get the shortest distance informations:
  Ref <- which( d==min(d[d>0]), useNames=T, arr.ind=T ) 
  if (prt>1) myprt("Ref is:",Ref)
  # 2) Subset the original entry to remove thoose towns:
  res <- d[-Ref[,1],-Ref[,1]]
  if (prt>1) myprt("Res is:", res)

  # 3) Get the subset for the two nearest towns:
  tmp <- d[-Ref[,1],Ref[,1]]
  if (prt>1) myprt("Tmp is:",tmp)

  # 4) Get the vector of minimal distance from original dataset with the two town (row by row on t)
  dists <- apply( tmp, 1, function(x) { x[x==min(x)] } )
  #dists <- tmp[ tmp == pmin( tmp[,1], tmp[,2] ) ]
  if (prt>1) myprt("Dists is:",dists)

  # 5) Let's build the resulting matrix:
  tnames <- paste(rownames(Ref),collapse="/") # Get the names of town to the new name
  if (length(res) == 1) {

    # Nothing left in the original dataset just concat the names and return
    tnames <- paste(c(tnames,names(dists)),collapse="/")
    Finalres <- data.frame(tnames = dists) # build the df
    names(Finalres) <- rownames(Finalres) <- tnames # Name it

    if (prt>0) myprt("Final result:",Finalres)
    return(Finalres) # Last iteration

  } else {

    Finalres <- res
    Finalres[tnames,tnames] <- 0 # Set the diagonal to 0
    Finalres[is.na(Finalres)] <- dists # the previous assignment has set NAs, replae them by the dists values

    if (prt>0) myprt("Dataset before recursive call:",Finalres)
    return(hcl(Finalres,prt)) # we're not at end, recall ourselves with actual result



# To be allowed to add column later, don't know a better way than coercing to data.frame
d <- data.frame(D,stringsAsFactors=F) 

# 1) Get the shortest distance informations:
Ref <- which( d==min(d[d>0]), useNames=T, arr.ind=T ) 

# 2) Subset the original entry to remove thoose towns:
res <-d[-Ref[,1],-Ref[,1]]

# 3) Get the subset for the two nearest towns:
tmp <- d[-Ref[,1],Ref[,1]]

# 4) Get the vector of minimal distance from original dataset with the two town (row by row on tpm), didn't find a proper way to avoid apply
dists <- apply( tmp, 1, function(x) { x[x==min(x)] } )

dists <- dists <- tmp[ tmp == pmin( tmp[,1], tmp[,2] ) ]

# 5) Let's build the resulting matrix:
tnames <- paste(rownames(Ref),collapse="/") # Get the names of town to the new name
Finalres <- res
Finalres[tnames,tnames] <- 0 # Set the diagonal to 0
Finalres[is.na(Finalres)] <- dists # the previous assignment has set NAs, replae them by the dists values


> Finalres
       BA  FI  Na  RM TO/MI
BA      0 662 255 412   877
FI    662   0 468 268   295
Na    255 468   0 219   754
RM    412 268 219   0   564
TO/MI 877 295 754 564     0


> #Steps:
> Ref
   row col
TO   6   3
MI   3   6
> res
    BA  FI  Na  RM
BA   0 662 255 412
FI 662   0 468 268
Na 255 468   0 219
RM 412 268 219   0
> tmp
    TO  MI
BA 996 877
FI 400 295
Na 869 754
RM 669 564
> dists
[1] 877 295 754 564
