在 Bootstrap 内将页脚推离屏幕

Push footer off the screen in Bootstrap

我正在尝试为 Bootstrap 中的页面应用程序创建页脚。我做到了,现在我的页脚在页面上看起来很棒。但是当页面的全局内容越来越多并且所有信息都无法适应浏览器时,如何隐藏页脚?

当我在中心块显示更多信息时,我必须在页面底部隐藏页脚。现在页脚位于浏览器底部 window.

您当前代码的问题是 #wrapper 没有 position: relative。所以 #footer 相对于视口是绝对定位的。

body {
  height: 100%;
#wrapper {
  min-height: 100%;
  position: relative;
#header {
  background: #ededed;
  padding: 10px;
#content {
  padding-bottom: 100px;
  /* Height of the footer element */
#footer {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  height: 100px;
  background: #ededed;
  width: 100%;

  <div id="wrapper">

    <div id="header">
    <!-- #header -->

    <div id="content">
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      of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information
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      footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer
      stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay
      in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When
      information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information
      more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden.
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      stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When
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      line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont
      hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result
    <!-- #content -->

    <div id="footer">
    <!-- #footer -->

  <!-- #wrapper -->

