当我尝试使用 extern 在多个源文件中设置变量时出现错误

I'm getting an error when I try to use extern to have variables across multiple source files

编辑:我忘了使用 std 命名空间。这修复了一些错误,但不是全部。


因此,我获取了所有全局变量,将它们移动到一个头文件中,并在它们上面添加了 extern。是的,我在没有extern的情况下在主源文件中定义了它们。


#include <string>

extern string start; //Starts the game.
extern int scenario; //Holds the random number that decides the scenario that plays.
extern int roomScenario; // Holds the random number that decides what room scenario plays.
extern int isRandom = 1; //Holds whether the map is randomized. On by default.
extern int isSeedOn;//Holds whether the user can input a seed.
extern int isCodes = 1; //Holds whether the codes system is on. On by default. 
extern int mapSeed; //The seed that the map creator uses.
extern int cD; //The current intersection the player is at. 0-15.
extern int deaths = 0; //The number of time the player has died. Zero by default.
extern int length = 16; //Length of catacombs. 16 by default.
extern int eLength = 15; //Effective length. Used to calculate whether the user is at the ladder.
extern int totalLives; //Total number of lives.
extern int lives; //Number of lives. Length / 2.
extern int livesRemain; //Number of lives remaining. It's value is equal to 'lives' - 'deaths'.
extern int lastDiedOn; //Hold the intersection the player last died at. Will be used to leave the sketchpad to the next player.
extern bool msgRead; //Hold whether the player has read the killer's message. Determines which ending you get.
extern bool takenSheet; //Stuff with fore/farsight
extern string ladderDecision; //The decision of the player when they're at the ladder.
extern string option; //Holds what the player chooses in the options menu.



Error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier '[VARIABLE_NAME]'

Error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed.

extern 不能用于字符串变量吗?如果没有,还有什么替代方案?

在我 定义的所有字符串变量上,(未在上面的头文件段中显示) 我也收到此错误:

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const char [VARIABLE_SIZE]' to 'int' 

同样,extern 是否不适用于字符串变量?

在我的头文件中,我有三个 类 和一些数组。

class intersect{
    string solve; //What the correct path is.
    bool isCoffin; //Holds if the room is Scenario_2.
    bool isSparkle; //Holds if the room is Scenario_1.
class foresight{
    string msg; //The message of this code.
    string msg2; //The second message.
    int intCalled; //What intersection the code was found at. (Both of the codes would be found at the same intersection)
    bool isCalled; //If the the code has been found.
    bool isCalled2; //If the second code has been found.
class farsight{
    string msg;
    string msg2;
    int intCalled;   //All of these have the same purpose as the ones of the same name in foresight. Look there for the documentation.
    bool isCalled;
    bool isCalled2;
extern intersect int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, int10, int11, int12, int13, int14, int15, int16, int17, int18, int19, int20, int21, int22, int23, int24, int25, int26, int27, int28, int29, int30, int31, int32;
extern foresight fore1, fore2, fore3, fore4, fore5, fore6, fore7, fore8, fore9, fore10, fore11, fore12, fore13, fore14, fore15, fore16, fore17, fore18, fore19, fore20, fore21, fore22, fore23, fore24, fore25, fore26, fore27, fore28, fore29, fore30, fore31, fore32;
extern farsight far1, far2, far3, far4, far5, far6, far7, far8, far9, far10, far11, far12, far13, far14, far15, far16, far17, far18, far19, far20, far21, far22, far23, far24, far25, far26, far27, far28, far29, far30, far31, far32;
extern intersect ints[32] = { int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9, int10, int11, int12, int13, int14, int15, int16, int17, int18, int19, int20, int21, int22, int23, int24, int25, int26, int27, int28, int29, int30, int31, int32 };
extern string msgs[32] = { msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6, msg7, msg8, msg9, msg10, msg11, msg12, msg13, msg14, msg15, msg16, msg17, msg18, msg19, msg20, msg21, msg22, msg23, msg24, msg25, msg26, msg27, msg28, msg29, msg30, msg31, msg32 };
extern foresight fore[32] = { fore1, fore2, fore3, fore4, fore5, fore6, fore7, fore8, fore9, fore10, fore11, fore12, fore13, fore14, fore15, fore16, fore17, fore18, fore19, fore20, fore21, fore22, fore23, fore24, fore25, fore26, fore27, fore28, fore29, fore30, fore31, fore32 };
extern farsight fars[32] = { far1, far2, far3, far4, far5, far6, far7, far8, far9, far10, far11, far12, far13, far14, far15, far16, far17, far18, far19, far20, far21, far22, far23, far24, far25, far26, far27, far28, far29, far30, far31, far32 };
extern string names[16] = { first1, first2, first3, first4, first5, first6, first7, first8, first9, first10, first11, first12, first13, first14, first15, first16 };


最后,头文件中的最后一个错误。当我将一些(但不是全部,出于某种奇怪的原因)相交变量放入 ints[] 数组时,这些就会出现。

在 int1 和 int4 上,我收到错误:

IntelliSense: no suitable user-defined conversion from "intersect" to "std::string" exists

在 int2 和 int3 上,我得到错误:

IntelliSense: no suitable conversion function from "intersect" to "bool" exists



每次我使用 getline() 时,我都会得到这个错误:

IntelliSense: no instance of overloaded function "getline" matches the argument list
        argument types are: (std::istream, <error-type>)

我会像这样使用 getline():

getline(cin, start)


谢天谢地,就这些了,但仍然很多。 (总共超过 400 个!)任何帮助将不胜感激!

您不能定义声明为extern的变量。 extern 只是声明变量,说它存在,而不是定义它。变量应该在不同的地方定义。 所以extern int x=1;是错误的。


extern int x;


 int x = 1;

int x;
x = SomeFunction();