如何更改 R 中栅格图层的分辨率

How to change the resolution of a raster layer in R

我正在使用 R 中的多个高分辨率栅格图层。对于我 运行 的某些分析来说,详细程度过高,因此我想通过降低分辨率来加快速度。

坐标系是UTM所以单位是米。分辨率说是30, 30(x, y)。所以这里的分辨率好像是30m。

有人可以告诉我如何将分辨率改为 120m 吗?我已经阅读了 resample() 和 projectRaster() 函数的帮助,但它们似乎需要具有所需分辨率的模板栅格,而我没有。


class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 4572, 2495, 11407140 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 30, 30 (x, y)
extent : 421661, 496511, 4402939, 4540099 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=13 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
data source : in memory
names : layer
values : 1485.127, 4275.202 (min, max)

这是一个如何执行此操作的示例。 (link to original)

# SubsampleImageRaster.r
# This function demonstrates resampling of raster images to a new
# spatial resolution using the R raster package.
# Author: Rick Reeves
# Date created: 6-October- 2010
# Date modified:                                                             
SubsampleImageRaster <- function()

   sOutFile <- ""
   resampleFactor <- 4  # For test, subsample incoming image by factor of 10

# Read the mosaic components, stored in a subfolder, into a raster object list.
# Within the same loop, obtain the (geographic) extent of each component.
# Note: these images do not have same spatial extent, so they cant be stored
# in a rasterStack. Instead, use a list of rasterLayers.

   inFiles <- list.files(pattern="*.tif")
   nFiles <-  length(inFiles)
   inputRaster <- raster()
   CoarseResampRaster <- raster()   
   FineResampRaster <- raster()   
   for (iCtr in 1 : nFiles)
      message(sprintf("resampling file: %s",inFiles[iCtr]))
      inputRaster <- raster(inFiles[iCtr])

# The aggregate() / disaggregate methods resample rasters to COARSER (bigger cells)
# and FINER (smaller cells) resolutions, respectively

      CoarseResampRaster <- aggregate(inputRaster,fact=resampleFactor,fun=mean) 
      sOutFile <- sprintf("CoarseSubsamp%s",inFiles[iCtr]) 
      FineResampRaster <- disaggregate(inputRaster,fact=resampleFactor,fun=mean) 
      sOutFile <- sprintf("FineSubsamp%s",inFiles[iCtr]) 

   message("resample demo")

# second method: use the resample() method from raster package

# Simple example:
# This code produces a resampled raster, 's',
# with correct resampled values. e.g.; 
# s[] prints a vector of resampled cell values.

   r <- raster(nrow=3, ncol=3)
   r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
   s <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10)
   s <- resample(r, s, method='bilinear')

# Useful example:
# Resample a satellite image, stored in a GeoTiff file
# into a NEW raster with 2x spatial resolution in 
# both dimensions (four times the number of cells)
# Here is the technique: 
#  1) Create a new raster object with the correct 'resampled' number of cells.
#  2) Set the extent (geographic 'bounding box') of the new raster 
#     to the extent of the original raster
#  3) Generate the resampled raster.

   resampleFactor <- .5  # reduce the cell size by 50% and double the number of rows and columns.      
   inputRaster <- raster("TmB50MosaicImg1.tif")      
   inCols <- ncol(inputRaster)
   inRows <- nrow(inputRaster)
   resampledRaster <- raster(ncol=(inCols / resampleFactor), nrow=(inRows / resampleFactor))
   extent(resampledRaster) <- extent(inputRaster)

# The resample method will write the resampled raster image to a NEW disk file..

   resampledRaster <- resample(inputRaster,resampledRaster,datatype="INT1U",method='bilinear',filename="testOutResamp.tif",overwrite=TRUE)

# Or, use writeRaster method to create the output file.


# end

您可以使用 aggregate or disaggregate.


#get some sample data
gridded(meuse.grid) <- ~x+y
meuse.raster <- raster(meuse.grid)
#[1] 40 40

#aggregate from 40x40 resolution to 120x120 (factor = 3)
meuse.raster.aggregate <- aggregate(meuse.raster, fact=3)
#[1] 120 120

#disaggregate from 40x40 resolution to 10x10 (factor = 4)
meuse.raster.disaggregate <- disaggregate(meuse.raster, fact=4)
#[1] 10 10

我最近需要降低 ggmap 对象的分辨率。这涉及提取和转换 ggmap 栅格(使用 Robin Lovelace 的 ggmap_rast()),按照本线程中讨论的那样聚合栅格,然后用下面的较低分辨率栅格替换 ggmap 高分辨率栅格。希望这有用:

original_map <- get_map("New York", scale = 1) #download a map at lowest resolution
#ggmap_rast function courtesy of Robin Lovelace
original_map.rast1 <- ggmap_rast(original_map) #extract RasterStack from ggmap object

original_map.rast2 <- aggregate(original_map.rast, 2) #compress raster

rast2_length <- sqrt(length(original_map.rast2)/3)  ## find the number of cells in compressed raster

map <- ggmap::ggmap(original_map) 
# from 
r <- map$layers[[2]]$geom_params$raster #pull hex raster pixel values from ggmap object
#x <- r[,] #assign values to a variable (probably unnecessary)

xx <- r[1:rast2_length,1:rast2_length] #filler values for raster to be created

rgb_map <- original_map.rast2

for(i in 1:rast2_length){
  for(j in 1:rast2_length){
    #many rgv values are non-integers; rgb2hex requires integer
    red = as.integer(round(rgb_map$layer.1[k],0))
    green = as.integer(round(rgb_map$layer.2[k],0))
    blue = as.integer(round(rgb_map$layer.3[k],0))
    #rgb2hex from ggtern package
    xx[i,j] <- rgb2hex(red,green,blue)
    #rgb2hex is slow; export, calculate in excel, import is faster, sadly
    #xx[i,j] <- as.character(rgb_from_excel$V1[k])

map$layers[[2]]$geom_params$raster <- xx

我已经尝试了 3 种不同的选项来放大 DEM 文件。首先我像这样使用 gdal_translate

from CMD:
gdal_translate -tr 0.1 0.1 "C:\dem.tif" "C:\dem_0.1.tif"

在 R 中:

[1] 0.1 0.1

然后我在 R:

中尝试了 raster 包中的 aggregateresample 命令
r <- raster("dem.tif")
> res(r)
[1] 0.0002777778 0.0002777778 # original dem resolution
r_up_0.1 <- aggregate(r, fact = 0.1/res(r)) # aggregate output
> res(r_up_0.1)
[1] 0.1 0.1
s <- raster(nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
extent(s) <- extent(r)
s <- resample(r, s, method = 'bilinear') # resample output
> res(s)
[1] 0.1000278 0.1000278

这些是输出: 3 个输出被放大到 res = 0.1x0.1,它们之间存在一些差异,但我打算使用 gdal 输出。


这是一个迟到的答案,但创建模板栅格并使用 projectRaster 非常简单。您可以将模板光栅分辨率设置为您想要的任何值,如果您想要矩形而不是方形单元格,可以包括两个值:

# Create the template raster, with 120m cells
TEMPLATE.RASTER <- raster(extent(ORIGINAL.RASTER), resolution = 120, 
                          crs = st_crs(ORIGINAL.RASTER)$proj4string)

# Project the original raster to the new resolution

我喜欢创建一个模板,因为它也会复制目标 CRS。但是,您实际上可以跳过创建模板光栅并直接在 projectRaster 中设置分辨率和 CRS。请务必查看帮助文件,因为有计算方法等选项可能很重要。

这些天我们可以使用 terra,替代 raster


f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)

聚合栅格像元。从 30 米到 120 米是 4 倍

a1 <- aggregate(r, 4)


a2 <- aggregate(r, c(2,3), fun=sum)


d <- disagg(a2, 2)

聚合只能合并整个单元格。但是要合并来自不同来源的栅格数据,您可能需要匹配未对齐的栅格的几何形状。在这种情况下,您可以使用 resample

非对齐示例 SpatRaster:

x <- rast(r)
res(x) <- 0.01


x <- resample(r, x)


u1 <- project(r, "+proj=utm +zone=32")

但是,与矢量数据不同,栅格数据的转换定义不明确。因此,首选方法是提供一个您希望输出与之对齐的模板。这通常是您已经从另一个数据源获得的 SpatRaster。但在这里我为示例创建了一个:

temp <- rast(xmin=264000, xmax=324000, ymin=5479000, ymax=5565000, res=100, crs="+proj=utm +zone=32")


u2 <- project(r, temp)
