根据搜索追加更新 Python 列表

Updating a Python list based on a search append

我正在尝试创建一个非常基本的记分牌系统。要从文件中读入列表的分数。如果名称存在,则列表将使用更多分数进行更新(追加)。如果名称不存在,则创建新行。我认为将新分数附加到列表中是行不通的。感谢任何帮助 - 学习。


#ask for name and score
name = input("Please enter the name you wish to add")
score = input("Please enter the high score")

#open the highscores line and read in all the lines to a list called ScoresList.
#  Then close the file.
scoresFile = open("highscores.txt","r")
ScoresList = scoresFile.readlines()

#for each line in the ScoresList list
for i in range(0, len(ScoresList) ):

    #check to see if the name is in the line
    if name in ScoresList[i]:

        #append new score to list
        tempscore= ScoresList[i]

        #write the scores back to the file. Overwrite with the new list
        scoresFile = open("highscores.txt","w")
        for line in ScoresList:
            scoresFile.write(line + "\n")

       message = "Not updated"

if message=="":
        scoresFile = open("highscores.txt","a")
        scoresFile.write(name + str(score)+"\n")

ScoresList[i]=tempscore.append(score) 使 ScoresList[i] 等于 None 因为 append 是一种就地方法。因此,您将所有 None's 存储在 ScoresList.


name = input("Enter your name").rstrip() # make "foo" == "foo "
score = input("Enter your score")
with open("highscores.txt","a+") as f: # a+ will allow us to read and will also create the file if it does not exist
    scores_list = f.readlines()
     # if scores_list is empty this is our first run
    if not scores_list:
        f.write("{} {}\n".format(name, score))
        # else check for name and update score
        new_names = []
        for ind, line in enumerate(scores_list):
            # if name exists update name and score
            if name in line.split():
                scores_list[ind] = "{} {}\n".format(name, score)
                break # break so we don't add existing name to new names
            # else store new name and score
            new_names.append("{} {}\n".format(name, score))

        # all scores updated so open and overwrite
        with open("highscores.txt","w") as scores_file:
             scores_file.writelines(scores_list + new_names)

您也已经拥有列表中的所有分数,因此当 ScoresList 更新并覆盖时,只在循环外打开文件一次,而不是每次都重复打开。


scores_list[ind] = "{} {}\n".format(line.rstrip(), score)


with open("highscores.txt","a+") as f: # a+ will allow us to read and will also create the file if it does not exist
    scores_list = f.readlines()
     # if scores_list is empty this is our first run
    if not scores_list:
        f.write("{},{}\n".format(name, score))
        # else check for name and update score
        new_names = []
        for ind, line in enumerate(scores_list):
            # if name exists update name and score
            if name.rstrip() in line.split(","):
                scores_list[ind] = "{},{}\n".format(line.rstrip(), score)
                break # break so we don't add existing name to new names
            # else store new name and score
            new_names.append("{},{}\n".format(name, score))

        # all scores updated so open and overwrite
        with open("highscores.txt","w") as scores_file:
             scores_file.writelines(scores_list + new_names)