
Is there such a thing as an embedded batch language?

我最近正在查看我正在玩的游戏的配置文件,当我突然意识到配置文件中使用的语言与 batch language with each line formulated as a command, how simple the syntax was and how immediately clear it was what every line in the file was doing without requiring any surrounding lines of context. Still, I know of no batch language that is frequently used as an extension language 非常相似,可以嵌入到另一个应用程序中。


如果没有,是否有可能以某种方式 运行 shell 脚本或类似程序在隔离环境中使用自定义命令,并访问生成的环境之后程序中的变量?

编辑: 通过批处理语言,我的意思是应该可以发出命令,即在表格 <command> [<arg1> [<arg2> [...] ] ]


这方面的典型示例可能是 Lua and Tcl,它们都被设计为嵌入到其他程序中。


有一个列表 Lua scriptable software on Wikipedia, and another list maintained on the Lua wiki