React-native 和 Firebase ListView 集成

React-native and Firebase ListView integration

我在将 Firebase 与 React-Native 集成时遇到问题。下面的代码没有像我预期的那样生成列表视图。我的假设是 messages.val() 不是 return 正确的格式。当我尝试控制台日志 "messages" 变量时,它 returns 如下

Object {text: "hello world", user_id: 1}


class Test extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({
               rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2

    componentWillMount() {
        this.dataRef = new Firebase("");
        this.dataRef.on('child_added', function(snapshot){
            var messages = snapshot.val();
                dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(messages)

    renderRow(rowData, sectionID, rowID) {
        return (

    render() {
        return (
                  automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} />


我不知道你的 Firebase 数据库中有什么数据,但据我了解,你应该为你拥有的所有项目获取多个 "on_child_added" 事件,所以你不应该将它传递给 "cloneWithRows" 方法。您应该将整个数据集传递给它。

虽然 React Native 方面的文档目前有点 "silent" 关于 ListView 数据源如何工作以及应该传递给什么 "cloneWithRows",但代码中的文档 (ListViewDataSource.js ) 实际上非常好,而且很明确,您应该始终向 "cloneWithRows" 方法提供完整的数据集(类似于视图协调,数据源将自动计算差异并且只修改实际更改的数据)。

此外,@vjeux 写了一篇很好的文章,说明了他们为什么以这种方式实现 ListView,包括解释他们选择的优化策略(不同于 iOS 的 UITableView)。

因此,在您的情况下,您应该在其他地方累积所有行,只将整个消息数组传递给 cloneWithRows 或中继 cloneWithRows 的增量行为,并不断将传入元素附加到 cloneWithRows,如下所示示例(它应该很快所以试一试)。


 * Provides efficient data processing and access to the
 * `ListView` component.  A `ListViewDataSource` is created with functions for
 * extracting data from the input blob, and comparing elements (with default
 * implementations for convenience).  The input blob can be as simple as an
 * array of strings, or an object with rows nested inside section objects.
 * To update the data in the datasource, use `cloneWithRows` (or
 * `cloneWithRowsAndSections` if you care about sections).  The data in the
 * data source is immutable, so you can't modify it directly.  The clone methods
 * suck in the new data and compute a diff for each row so ListView knows
 * whether to re-render it or not.
 * In this example, a component receives data in chunks, handled by
 * `_onDataArrived`, which concats the new data onto the old data and updates the
 * data source.  We use `concat` to create a new array - mutating `this._data`,
 * e.g. with `this._data.push(newRowData)`, would be an error. `_rowHasChanged`
 * understands the shape of the row data and knows how to efficiently compare
 * it.
 * ```
 * getInitialState: function() {
 *   var ds = new ListViewDataSource({rowHasChanged: this._rowHasChanged});
 *   return {ds};
 * },
 * _onDataArrived(newData) {
 *   this._data = this._data.concat(newData);
 *   this.setState({
 *     ds: this.state.ds.cloneWithRows(this._data)
 *   });
 * }
 * ```