理解 VIM:自动(自动和神奇)将 markdown 转换为 html

Understanding VIM: Automagically (Automatic and Magical) transform markdown to html

我正在研究 vim 及其内部工作原理。在网上闲逛时无意中发现了这个article,其中一节讨论了如何自动将markdown转换为html:

“See, master,” he said, “I have nearly finished the Vim macros that translate Markdown into HTML. My functions interweave, my parser is a paragon of efficiency, and the results nearly flawless. I daresay I have mastered Vimscript, and my work will validate Vim as a modern editor for the enlightened developer! Have I done rightly?”

Master Wq read the acolyte’s code for several minutes without saying anything. Then he opened a Markdown document, and typed:


HTML filled the buffer instantly. The acolyte began to cry.

我通过首先安装 markdown 来尝试这个,sudo apt-get install -y markdown...在打开 vim 并输入一些 markdown 之后:

# Hello
This is just a test

    public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {



<p>This is just a test</p>

<pre><code>    public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {


顺便说一句,Vim 很棒..你应该试试!

过滤是一种极其常见的 unix 模式,它包括在将命令的输出传递给另一个命令之前对其进行操作。

:%!markdown表示“打开一个子shell,将当前缓冲区的全部内容传递给markdown程序的stdin并替换整个缓冲区从它的 stdout.
