Activity 具有多个端点的图表

Activity Diagram with multiple end points

我的问题可能很简单,但我很困惑,因为我对 activity 图表一无所知。

我的问题 - activity 图中是否可以接受多个端点?


It is possible for an activity diagram to show multiple final states. Unlike initial state symbols, of which there can be only one on an activity diagram, final state symbols can represent the termination of one of many branches in the logic -- in other words, the activity may terminate in different manners. (第 5 页)


尽管 IBM 是最大的 OMG 之一,但提及 IBM 有点敏感 parents。 "truth"写在OMG的上层建筑中。

实际上 UML2.5 在 activity 图的上下文中谈论 Final Node

Final Nodes

A FinalNode is a ControlNode at which a flow in an Activity stops. A FinalNode shall not have outgoing ActivityEdges. A FinalNode accepts all tokens offered to it on its incoming ActivityEdges.

There are two kinds of FinalNode:

  1. A FlowFinalNode is a FinalNode that terminates a flow. All tokens accepted by a FlowFinalNode are destroyed. This has no effect on other flows in the Activity.
  2. An ActivityFinalNode is a FinalNode that stops all flows in an Activity ...

A ControlNode 是一种 ActivityNode 和那些形式 Activities。除了 FinalNode 的上下文之外的定义没有说明单个 ActivityNode 是如何相关的。因此,您可以拥有多少 like/need.