字符串中的有效括号(Haskell 实现)
Valid Parenthese in a string (Haskell implementation)
问题是检查字符串中的括号是否正确关闭。对于 Haskell 实施,到目前为止我有以下内容。看起来很别扭。我正在寻找更 "Haskell-style" 或更优雅的实现。
import Data.List
isValidParentheses :: String -> Bool
isValidParentheses = isValidHelper . (filter isParenthese)
getIndex :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
getIndex c xs = getOut (elemIndex c xs)
where getOut (Just x) = x
getOut Nothing = -1
isLeftParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isLeftParenthese c = (getIndex c "{[(") /= -1
isRightParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isRightParenthese c = (getIndex c "}])") /= -1
isParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isParenthese c = isLeftParenthese c || isRightParenthese c
isValidHelper :: String -> Bool
isValidHelper xs = helper xs []
where helper (x:xs) [] | isRightParenthese x = False
| otherwise = helper xs [x]
helper [] st = null st
helper (x:xs) (s:ss) | isLeftParenthese x = helper xs (x:s:ss)
| ((getIndex x "}])") /= (getIndex s "{[(")) = False
| otherwise = helper xs ss
- 遍历字符串
- 在堆栈中存储左括号
- 将匹配的括号弹出堆栈
isValid = loop []
match '(' ')' = True
match '{' '}' = True
match '[' ']' = True
match _ _ = False
loop st [] = null st
loop st (x:xs)
| x `elem` "([{" = loop (x:st) xs
| x `elem` ")]}" = case st of
open : st' | match open x -> loop st' xs
_ -> False -- unmatched close
| otherwise = loop st xs
问题是检查字符串中的括号是否正确关闭。对于 Haskell 实施,到目前为止我有以下内容。看起来很别扭。我正在寻找更 "Haskell-style" 或更优雅的实现。
import Data.List
isValidParentheses :: String -> Bool
isValidParentheses = isValidHelper . (filter isParenthese)
getIndex :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
getIndex c xs = getOut (elemIndex c xs)
where getOut (Just x) = x
getOut Nothing = -1
isLeftParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isLeftParenthese c = (getIndex c "{[(") /= -1
isRightParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isRightParenthese c = (getIndex c "}])") /= -1
isParenthese :: Char -> Bool
isParenthese c = isLeftParenthese c || isRightParenthese c
isValidHelper :: String -> Bool
isValidHelper xs = helper xs []
where helper (x:xs) [] | isRightParenthese x = False
| otherwise = helper xs [x]
helper [] st = null st
helper (x:xs) (s:ss) | isLeftParenthese x = helper xs (x:s:ss)
| ((getIndex x "}])") /= (getIndex s "{[(")) = False
| otherwise = helper xs ss
- 遍历字符串
- 在堆栈中存储左括号
- 将匹配的括号弹出堆栈
isValid = loop [] where match '(' ')' = True match '{' '}' = True match '[' ']' = True match _ _ = False loop st [] = null st loop st (x:xs) | x `elem` "([{" = loop (x:st) xs | x `elem` ")]}" = case st of open : st' | match open x -> loop st' xs _ -> False -- unmatched close | otherwise = loop st xs