关于在 Javascript 函数上创建良好接口的问题

Issues about creating good interfaces on Javascript functions

如何在某些 Javascript 代码上实现 high-quality routines (mentioned by Steve McConnell, on Code Complete, chapter 7)?例如,在这种情况下:

$('#variable').on('click', function(){
                          //do some stuff



var onClickCallback = function() {
                      //do some stuff

$('#variable').on('click', onClickCallback);

假设 DOM 节点 #variable 是调用服务的 "widget" UI 元素的根并且具有 CSS class 'clicked' 单击时添加到其中。


 * Responsible for performing some
 * significant action(s) related to
 * widgets.
function WidgetService() {}

WidgetService.prototype.doSomething = function() {
    //do some stuff

 * Responsible for wiring up the object
 * graph backing the widget.
function WidgetController($, widgetService) {
    this._service = widgetService;
    this._model = new WidgetModel({
        renderCb: renderCb.bind(this)
    this._view = new WidgetView($, this._model);

    this.onClick = this._onClick.bind(this);

    function renderCb() {

WidgetController.prototype._onClick = function() {
    this._model.isClicked = true;

 * Responsible for encapsulating the
 * state of the UI element.
function WidgetModel(options) {
    options = options || {
        renderCb: noop

    this._renderCb = options.renderCb;

WidgetModel.prototype = {
    _isClicked: false,

    get isClicked() {
        return this._isClicked;

    set isClicked(value) {
        this._isClicked = value;

 * Responsible for interacting with the DOM.
function WidgetView($, model) {
    this._$ = $;
    this._model = model;

    this.render = this._render.bind(this);

WidgetView.prototype.el = '#variable';

WidgetView.prototype._render = function() {
    this._$(this.el).addClass(this._model.isClicked ? 'clicked' : '');

 * Responsible for linking the DOM
 * event with the controller.
function WidgetRouter($, controller) {
    $(WidgetView.prototype.el).on('click', controller.onClick);

function noop() {}

$(function() {
    // Go...
    var s, c, r;

    s = new WidgetService();
    c = new WidgetController($, s);
    r = new WidgetRouter($, c);

    // Now clicking on the element with ID '#variable' will add a class of clicked to it.  