如何使用 Grails ORM 检索具有最大、偏移和排序参数的列表

How to retrieve list with max, offset and sort parameters with Grails ORM

我有一个带有 UserGroup 域对象的 grails 应用程序。 User 有许多 Group 个对象,Group 对象包含许多 User 个对象:

class User implements Serializable {

    static constraints = {
        usergroups nullable: true

    static mapping = {
        usergroups cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'

    static hasMany = [
        usergroups: Group

    static mappedBy = [
        usergroups : "creator"

class Group {

    static belongsTo = [
        creator : User

    static hasMany = [
        members : User

    static constraints = {
        creator nullable: false
        members nullable: true, maxSize: 100

给定一个 Group 对象,我可以使用 maxoffsetsortBy 参数检索成员吗?像...

def members = User.where {
   /* how to specify only the users in 'group.members'? */
  max: max, 
  offset: offset, 
  sortBy : sortBy


为了尝试解决问题,我更改了 User class 以包含 joinedgroups 字段...

class User implements Serializable {

    static constraints = {
        usergroups nullable: true
        joinedgroups nullable: true

    static mapping = {
        usergroups cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'

    static hasMany = [
        usergroups: Group
        joinedgroups: Group

    static mappedBy = [
        usergroups : "creator",
        joinedgroups : "creator" // if I don't add this Grails complains there is no owner defined between domain classes User and Group. 

但是现在,当我尝试在我的应用程序的另一部分检索所有用户的 usergroup 对象时,只返回一个用户组...

    def groups = Group.where {
        creator.id == user.id
    }.list(max: max, offset: offset, sort: sortBy); // should return 3 groups but now only returns 1

此查询之前有效,所以可能在 User 中添加额外的 mappedby 条目导致了问题。 User 中的新 mappedby 字段是否不正确?

如果包含用户的所有组都保存在 usergroups 字段中,您可以使用:

def query = User.where {
    usergroups { id == myGroup.id }

def users = query.list(max: 10, offset: 0, sort : "id")