
Programmatically Change the text of a Combox

我有一个带有组合框的用户表单,其中有 5 个未绑定的数据项。每一项的取值格式如下:“##说明”,一个2位数字代码和代码说明。用户选择一个项目后,我希望只显示 2 位数字代码。我尝试了以下

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
    ComboBox1.Text = Mid(ComboBox1.Text, 1, 2)
End Sub

但是在选择一个项目后,分配似乎没有正常工作,因为 ComboBox1.Text 保持不变。有任何想法吗?提前致谢

您必须更改组合框的 Items 集合中的值。如果您只是更改文本 属性,则会发生以下情况:

Setting the Text property to null or an empty string ("") sets the SelectedIndex to -1. Setting the Text property to a value that is in the Items collection sets the SelectedIndex to the index of that item. Setting the Text property to a value that is not in the collection leaves the SelectedIndex unchanged.


Private Class ComboItem

    Public Property Code As Integer

    Public Property Description As String

    Public ReadOnly Property Display As String
            Return Code & " " & Description 
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

Dim lst As New List(Of ComboItem)()
lst.Add(New ComboItem()....) ' add your items

cboList.DataSource = lst
cboList.DisplayMember = "Display"
cboList.ValueMember = "Code"

最精彩的部分从这里开始 - 一旦用户通过键入或单击选择了一个项目,您就可以执行此操作

Dim item As ComboItem = DirectCast(cboList.SelectedItem, ComboItem)
txtCode.Text = item.Code
txtDescription.Text = item.Description
