将 collectstatic 与最新版本的 Boto、管道和存储一起使用时,x-amz-acl 设置不正确

x-amz-acl being set incorrectly when using collectstatic with latest version of Boto, Pipeline, and Storages

我正在更新我的应用程序的依赖项。我对 requirements.txt 进行了以下更改:

现在,当我尝试将 collectstatic 运行到我的 S3 存储桶中时,出现以下错误:

boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 400 Bad Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

并不奇怪,因为显然 /tmp/tmpDyVin1not a valid value for x-amz-acl

问题源于指定我自己的 class 来处理结合了 Boto、Require 和管道的静态文件:


STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'myapp.storage.OptimizedS3BotoStorage'


from pipeline.storage import PipelineMixin
from require.storage import OptimizedFilesMixin
from storages.backends.s3boto import S3BotoStorage

class ReleaseVersionCachedFilesMixin(CachedFilesMixin):

    def hashed_name(self, name, content=None):

class OptimizedS3BotoStorage(PipelineMixin, OptimizedFilesMixin, ReleaseVersionCachedFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):


def __init__(self, location=None, *args, **kwargs): if not settings.PIPELINE_ENABLED and location is None: location = tempfile.mkdtemp() super(PipelineMixin, self).__init__(location, *args, **kwargs)

所以,问题在于 Pipeline 传入 location 作为第一个参数,它向下传播并成为 acl.

看起来这个看起来很讨厌的问题的解决方案只是将 PipelineMixin 移动到我的自定义存储 class 中参数列表的末尾,但这会破坏 r.js 优化器.解决方案是将此 PIPELINE_ENABLED 标志设置为 True

(文档说 this flag defaults to not settings.DEBUG, but that may not be a meaningful dependency for your environment. The flag wasn't used this way in PipelineMixin until 1.4, but it's not documented in the directives for upgrading to 1.4。)