zsh /home/kaffe/.aliases:13: `|' 附近的解析错误

zsh /home/kaffe/.aliases:13: parse error near `|'


/home/kaffe/.aliases:13: parse error near `|'

11 mlog () {
12     cat /home/kaffe/progs/muse/nxaa* \                                     # Look in all muse logs
13     | grep "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')\|$(date --date '-1 days' +'%Y-%m-%d')" \   # Dynamic search for date - today and yesterday
14     | sed -e 's/ com.*(): / /; \                                           # Start sed, remove irrelevant information
15     s/;/ /;s/;/ /; \                                                       # Remove first two instances of semi-colon in every line
16     s/, severity../ /; \                                                   # Globally remove mention of severity level
17     s/.*New alarm:/    New: &/g; \                                         # If "New alarm:" exists, add "New:" to beginning of line
18     s/ New alarm: / /g1; \                                                 # Globally remove "New alarm:" from line
19     s/.*Alarm cleared:/Cleared: &/g; \                                     # If "Alarm cleared:" exists, add "Cleared:" to beginning
20     s/ Alarm cleared: / /g1; \                                             # Globally remove "Alarm cleared:" from line
21     s/.*Alarm changed:/Changed: &/g; \                                     # If "Alarm changed:" exists, add "Changed:" to beginning
22     s/ Alarm changed: / /g1' \                                             # Globally remove "Alarm changed:" from line
23     -e ''/    New:/s//$(printf "3[31mNew:3[0m")/g'' \                # Color "New:" red
24     -e ''/Cleared:/s//$(printf "3[32mCleared:3[0m")/g'' \            # Color "Cleared:" green
25     -e ''/Changed:/s//$(printf "3[33mChanged:3[0m")/g'' \            # Color "Changed:" yellow
26     | sort -k1.24 \                                                        # Sort from 14th character (date)
27     | egrep -i                                                           # Insert custom search pattern, allow regexp, case insensitive
28 }

虽然该功能似乎按预期工作。我只是想了解为什么会出现错误,而我糟糕的 zsh-fu 限制我弄清楚它。了解导致这种情况的原因可能会对我未来的 zsh 努力有所帮助。


OS 和 zsh 版本:

$ uname -a
Linux kaffe-noc 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ zsh --version
zsh 4.3.17 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

\ 之后不能有任何内容,只能有一个换行符。

man bash

A non-quoted backslash () is the escape character. It preserves the literal value of the next character that follows, with the exception of . If a \ pair appears, and the backslash is not itself quoted, the \ is treated as a line continuation (that is, it is removed from the input stream and effectively ignored).