fx:Declaration 中的 RadioButtonGroup 声明

Declaration of RadioButtonGroup in fx:Declaration

我的 Flex 代码在 fx:declaration 部分声明了单选按钮组,用于非图形用户界面组件。

<s:RadioButtonGroup id="rdbtnlan"/>
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->


protected function rdbtn1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if(rdbtnlan.selection.value == "Eng")
        var dbResult:SQLResult = sqlcon.SQLCon("Update setting Set Language ='Eng'");
    else if(rdbtnlan.selection.value == "Hindi")
        var dbResult:SQLResult = sqlcon.SQLCon("Update setting Set Language ='Hindi'");


    <s:VGroup x="241" y="366" horizontalAlign="left" styleName="tabStyle" layoutDirection="ltr" id="rdbtn1">
        <s:RadioButton id="rdSetEng" label="English" color="Black" groupName="rdbtnlan"
                               value="Eng"  click="rdbtn1_clickHandler(event)"/>
        <s:RadioButton id="rdSetHindi" label="Hindi" color="Black" groupName="rdbtnlan"
                               value="Hindi"  click="rdbtn1_clickHandler(event)"/>

documentation 所述:

The RadioButtonGroup component defines a group of RadioButton components that act as a single mutually exclusive component; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton component at a time.


if(rdbtnlan.selection.value == "Eng")

rdbtnlan 按钮组 ,而不是对特定按钮的引用。你问的是 "What is the value selected for this group of buttons?"


if (rdSetEng.selected) {
    var dbResult:SQLResult // ...
else if (rdSetHindi.selected) {
    var dbResult:SQLResult // ...

另请注意,您无法保证 rdSetEngrdSetHindi 都未被选中——您必须编写逻辑来取消选择每个按钮 [=] 中的其他单选按钮15=]处理程序。