将数据从简单函数返回到 UI-router 的问题已解决

Problems with returning data from simple function to UI-router resolve

我已经尝试了我能找到的所有方法,建议将 promise 对象返回到 resolve,这样我的函数将异步处理,但我仍然无法返回正确的数据 - 请指教:

        .state("app.deals.private", {
            url: "/private/",
            resolve: {
                dealsFeatured: function(Deals, $rootScope) {
                    return Deals.getDeals('FEATURED', function(data) {
                        // console.log('deals featured', data); // DATA IS HERE
                        $rootScope.loading = false;
                        return data; 
                dealsGeneral: function(Deals, $rootScope, dealsFeatured) {
                    return Deals.getDeals('GENERAL', function(data) {
                        // console.log('deals general', data);  // DATA IS HERE
                        $rootScope.loading = false;
                        return data; 
                dealsCats: function(Deals, dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral, $q) {

                    // ALL DEPENDENCIES HAVE DATA HERE 

                    // build a promise object
                    var deferred = $q.defer();

                    Deals.mergeCats(dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral, $q, function(data){
                        console.log("received dealsCats: " + data); 
                        //BUT....NOTHING IS RETURNED HERE, WHY NOT?!?!?!?


                    //return the promise object
                    return deferred.promise;



 api.service('Deals', function(){

    this.mergeCats = function(dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral, $q, callback){

    // make one big array
    var allCats = [];
        allCats = dealsFeatured.data.discountTermsWithCounters.cats;
        allCats = allCats.concat(dealsGeneral.data.discountTermsWithCounters.cats);

    // now recreate the array into something we can work with
    var newCats = [];
    angular.forEach(allCats, function(value, key){
            newCats[value.title].count += value.count;
        } else {
            newCats[value.title] = value;
    // after all is completed, return data to the promise object
    $q.all(allCats).then(function () {
        console.log('newCats',newCats);  // CORRECT DATA IS OUTPUTTED HERE
            // newCats data looks like this in console:
            // Array: [Herbs & Homeopathic: Object, Frozen: Object, Groceries: Object, Body Care: Object, General Merchandise: Object…]



您对 dealsCatsDeals.mergeCats 以及如何以及为什么使用和传入 $q 作为参数感到困惑。

mergeCats$q.all,returns 一个承诺,但是 mergeCats 只做同步操作。不需要 $q、承诺或回调:

因此,将 Deals.mergeCats 更改为以下内容:

this.mergeCats = function(dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral){
  // some other code here that creates allCats
  return allCats;

出于同样的原因,dealsCats 不需要 $q.defer:

resolve: {
    dealsCats: function(Deals, dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral){
       return Deals.mergeCats(dealsFeatured, dealsGeneral);