如何从 Mac 卸载 Sencha Cmd v6.0.0.202?

How to uninstall Sencha Cmd v6.0.0.202 from Mac?

由于我需要处理以前版本的 Sencha,我打算在 Mac 10.9.5 上删除最新版本的 'Sencha Cmd'。如何实现?

它安装在 /Users/<username>/bin/Sencha/Cmd/<version>/ 下,并且不会从 Cmd 目录中删除以前的版本 - 根据 post 的声音,这意味着您可能仍然拥有以前的 5.x可用。

通常,安装会将以下行添加到您的 ~/.bashrc 文件中,您需要仔细检查并确保 shell 路径中的版本与您希望使用的旧版本匹配:

export SENCHA_CMD_3_0_0="/Users/<username>/bin/Sencha/Cmd/5.x.x.x"
export PATH=/Users/<username>/bin/Sencha/Cmd/5.x.x.x:$PATH

也就是说,我注意到 Sencha 6 在 ~/bin/Sencha/Cmd 目录中引入了一个名为 sencha 的符号 link - 大概是为了避免污染你的 bash 配置未来的版本。您可能需要重命名或删除它以避免冲突。


Ladysign 写了一篇关于此的博客。你可以完美地 运行 两个版本一起:

Running multiple Cmd versions side by side

Something else I did. What you might consider to setup as well, especially in case you are developing Sencha Touch, Ext JS 6, and / or Ext JS 4 & 5 apps all together... Is making earlier Sencha Cmd versions available on the command -line.

When I type sencha5, I run Sencha Cmd 5 commands. When I type sencha, I run the latest Cmd 6 commands. That's because I bound these to the correct paths. You can do this too. It's very easy.

First of all make sure the paths to the earlier versions are in the .bash_profile / environment vars. (which you probably already did, since I wrote it above). Second, and the most important step, is renaming the sencha executable (located in the Cmd installation folder) to sencha5, sencha4 etc.


(我使用的是 macOS 10.12.5,Sencha

运行 命令

cd /Users/your_user_name/bin
rm -rf Sencha