log4net logger wrapper 的实现和使用

Implementation and usage of logger wrapper for log4net

此问题与 Steven’s answer - here 有关。他提出了一个非常好的记录器包装器。我将在下面粘贴他的代码:

public interface ILogger
    void Log(LogEntry entry);

public static class LoggerExtensions
    public static void Log(this ILogger logger, string message)
        logger.Log(new LogEntry(LoggingEventType.Information,
            message, null));

    public static void Log(this ILogger logger, Exception exception)
        logger.Log(new LogEntry(LoggingEventType.Error, 
            exception.Message, exception));

    // More methods here.

所以,我的问题是创建代理到 log4net 的实现的正确方法是什么?我应该只添加另一个带有类型参数的日志扩展方法,然后在里面创建一个开关吗?在 LoggingEventType ?

的情况下使用不同的 log4net 方法



(…) you can easily create an ILogger implementation (…) and configure your DI container to inject it in classes that have a ILogger in their constructor.

这是否意味着每个将记录某事的 class(基本上每个)都应该在其构造函数中包含 ILogger

So, my question is what is the proper way to create implementation that proxies to log4net?


public class Log4netAdapter : ILogger
    private readonly log4net.ILog m_Adaptee;

    public Log4netAdapter(log4net.ILog adaptee)
        m_Adaptee = adaptee;

    public void Log(LogEntry entry)
        //Here invoke m_Adaptee
        if(entry.Severity == LoggingEventType.Debug)
            m_Adaptee.Debug(entry.Message, entry.Exception);
        else if(entry.Severity == LoggingEventType.Information)
            m_Adaptee.Info(entry.Message, entry.Exception);
        else if(entry.Severity == LoggingEventType.Warning)
            m_Adaptee.Warn(entry.Message, entry.Exception);
        else if(entry.Severity == LoggingEventType.Error)
            m_Adaptee.Error(entry.Message, entry.Exception);
            m_Adaptee.Fatal(entry.Message, entry.Exception);

Does that mean that every class that will log sth (so basically every), should have ILogger in its constructor?


what is the best way to use it later in the code?

如果您使用的是 DI 容器,那么只需使用 DI 容器将 ILogger 映射到 Log4netAdapter。你还需要注册log4net.ILog,或者只是给DI容器一个log4net logger的实例,将它注入到Log4netAdapter构造函数中。

如果您不使用 DI 容器,即您使用 Pure DI,那么您可以这样做:

ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("MyClass");

ILogger logging_adapter = new Log4netAdapter(log);

var myobject = new MyClass(other_dependencies_here, logging_adapter);