左加入 Linq 查询

left join in Linq query

我试图在 linq 查询中进行左连接,而不是内部连接。我找到了与使用 DefaultIfEmpty() 相关的答案,但我似乎无法让它发挥作用。以下是 linq 查询:

from a in dc.Table1 
join e in dc.Table2 on a.Table1_id equals e.Table2_id
where a.Table1_id == id
orderby a.sort descending
group e by new
} into ga
select new MyObject
    field1= ga.Key.Field1,
    field2= ga.Key.Field2,
    manySubObjects = (from g in ga select new SubObject{
                                                        fielda= g.fielda,
                                                        fieldb= g.fieldb

查询只给我 table 1 中的行,这些行在 table 2 中有相应的记录。我希望 table 1 中的每条记录都填充到 MyObject 和一个列表中每个 MyObject 的 manySubObjects 中列出的 0-n 个对应记录。

更新: 我尝试了下面提到的 "possible duplicate" 问题的答案。我现在有以下代码,即使没有 Table2 记录,它确实为 Table1 中的每个项目提供了一条记录。

from a in dc.Table1 
join e in dc.Table2 on a.Table1_id equals e.Table2_id into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
where a.Table1_id == id
orderby a.sort descending
group j2 by new
} into ga
select new MyObject
    field1= ga.Key.Field1,
    field2= ga.Key.Field2,
    manySubObjects = (from g in ga select new SubObject{
                                                        fielda= g.fielda,
                                                        fieldb= g.fieldb

但是,使用此代码,当 table2 中没有记录时,我得到 "manySubObject" 作为一个列表,其中有一个 "SubObject",其中的属性的所有值为空"SubObject"。如果 table2.

中没有值,我真正想要的是 "manySubObjects" 为 null

回复您的更新,要创建空列表,您可以在 manySubObjects 的分配中进行三元运算。

select new MyObject
    field1= ga.Key.Field1,
    field2= ga.Key.Field2,
    manySubObjects =
        (from g in ga select g).FirstOrDefaut() == null ? null : 
        (from g in ga select new SubObject {
           fielda= g.fielda,
           fieldb= g.fieldb

回复您的评论,以上内容适用于 Linq to Objects 但不适用于 Linq to SQL。 Linq to SQL 会抱怨它,"Could not translate expression ... into SQL and could not treat as a local expression." 那是因为 Linq 无法将自定义 new SubObject 构造函数转换为 SQL。为此,您必须编写更多代码来支持翻译成 SQL。参见 Custom Method in LINQ to SQL query and this article

我认为我们已经充分回答了您最初关于左联接的问题。考虑问一个关于在 Linq to SQL 查询中使用自定义 methods/constructors 的新问题。




字段 1、字段 2、列表 <子对象> 如果为空则为 null


 var query = dc.Table1.Where(x => Table1_id == id).OrderBy(x => x.sort)
                .GroupJoin(dc.Table2, (table1 => table1.Table1_id), (table2 => table2.Table2_id),
                    (table1, table2) => new MyObject 
                                            field1 = table1.Field1, 
                                            field2 = table1.Field2, 
                                            manySubObjects = (table2.Count() > 0) 
                                                ? (from t in table2 select new SubObject { fielda = t.fielda, fieldb = t.fieldb}).ToList()
                                                : null 

Dotnetfiddle link



ga.Select(g = > new SubObject(){fielda = g.fielda, fieldb = g.fieldb})

我认为应该是(取决于 "ga" 是如何构建的)

ga.Select(g => new SubObject {fielda = g.fielda, fieldb = g.fieldb})


** 更新 BIS **

 sentEmails = //ga.Count() < 1 ? null :
              //(from g in ga select g).FirstOrDefault() == null ? null :
             (from g in ga select new Email{
                  email_to = g.email_to,
                  email_from = g.email_from,
                  email_cc = g.email_cc,
                  email_bcc = g.email_bcc,
                  email_subject = g.email_subject,
                  email_body = g.email_body }).ToList()


 sentEmails = //ga.Count() < 1 ? null :
             ((from g in ga select g).FirstOrDefault() == null) ? null :
             (from g in ga select new Email{
                  email_to = g.email_to,
                  email_from = g.email_from,
                  email_cc = g.email_cc,
                  email_bcc = g.email_bcc,
                  email_subject = g.email_subject,
                  email_body = g.email_body }).ToList()

检查组是否有 First,如果没有,则组没有任何记录,因此时间戳的 Action.Name 没有要发送的电子邮件。如果第一个不为空,则循环抛出组元素并创建一个电子邮件列表,

var results =
    // Use from, from like so for the left join:
    from a in dc.Table1
    from e in dc.Table2
        // Join condition goes here
        .Where(a.Id == e.Id)
        // This is for the left join
    // Non-join conditions here
    where a.Id == id
    // Then group
    group by new
).Select(g =>
    // Sort items within groups
    g.OrderBy(item => item.sortField)
    // Project required data only from each item
    .Select(item => new
// Bring into memory

然后在内存中投影到您的非 EF 模型类型。