
How to use lenses to look up a value in a map, increase it or set it to a default value

在处理名为 AppState 的状态时,我想跟踪实例的数量。这些实例具有 InstanceId.

类型的不同 ID


import           Control.Lens

data AppState = AppState
  { -- ...
  , _instanceCounter :: Map InstanceId Integer

makeLenses ''AppState

如果之前没有计算过具有给定 ID 的实例,则跟踪计数的函数应该产生 1,否则 n + 1

import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)

countInstances :: InstanceId -> State AppState Integer
countInstances instanceId = do
    instanceCounter %= incOrSetToOne
    fromMaybe (error "This cannot logically happen.")
              <$> use (instanceCounter . at instanceId)
    incOrSetToOne :: Map InstanceId Integer -> Map InstanceId Integer
    incOrSetToOne m = case Map.lookup instanceId m of
      Just c  -> Map.insert instanceId (c + 1) m
      Nothing -> Map.insert instanceId 1 m




incOrSetToOne = Map.alter (Just . maybe 1 succ) instanceId

incOrSetToOne = Map.alter ((<|> Just 1) . fmap succ) instanceId


一种方法是使用 <%= 运算符。它允许您更改目标和 return 结果:

import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Control.Monad.State

type InstanceId = Int

data AppState = AppState { _instanceCounter :: Map InstanceId Integer }
  deriving Show

makeLenses ''AppState

countInstances :: InstanceId -> State AppState Integer
countInstances instanceId = do
  Just i <- instanceCounter . at instanceId <%= Just . maybe 1 (+1)
  return i

initialState :: AppState
initialState = AppState $ M.fromList [(1, 100), (3, 200)]

它有一个 "partial" 逻辑上应该总是匹配的模式。

> runState (countInstances 1) initialState
(101,AppState {_instanceCounter = fromList [(1,101),(3,200)]})
> runState (countInstances 2) initialState
(1,AppState {_instanceCounter = fromList [(1,100),(2,1),(3,200)]})
> runState (countInstances 300) initialState
(201,AppState {_instanceCounter = fromList [(1,100),(3,201)]})


 countInstances :: InstanceId -> State AppState Integer
 countInstances instanceId = instanceCounter . at instanceId . non 0 <+= 1


 non :: Eq a => a -> Iso' (Maybe a) a

这允许我们将 instanceCounter 映射中缺失的元素视为 0