未关闭的 IntelliJ 检查 PreparedStatements/ResultSets/Connections

IntelliJ inspections for unclosed PreparedStatements/ResultSets/Connections

是否有针对未封闭 PreparedStatements/ResultSets/Connections 或使用标准 Java SQL 库的任何内容的任何 IntelliJ 检查?

我必须使用一个相对较旧的 Java 代码库,它使用了很多未包含在框架中的 SQL,因此请记住 [=11] 中的所有特殊关闭逻辑=] 块,即使是非常小的 SQL 也会变得令人厌烦且容易出错。

务必开启以下检查:设置>编辑器>检查>Java>资源管理问题>"JDBC resource opened but not safely closed"

Reports any JDBC resource which is not safely closed in a finally block. Such resources may be inadvertently leaked if an exception is thrown before the resource is closed. JDBC resources reported by this inspection include java.sql.Connection, java.sql.Statement, java.sql.PreparedStatement, java.sql.CallableStatement, and java.sql.ResultSet.
