在 Rmarkdown 的内联引用中将 "et al" 斜体化

Italicising "et al" in inline citiations in Rmarkdown

我正在 Rmarkdown 中生成一份报告,但是 'et al' 作者列表的缩写形式在内嵌引用中没有被斜体化。斜体确实出现在正常引用中。


title: "testCite"
    keep_md: true
csl: the-plant-journal.csl
bibliography: test.bib

The fly *Drosophila melanogaster* is one of the most intensively studied organisms in biology [@Adams:2000tj].

According to @Adams:2000tj, the fly *Drosophila melanogaster* is one of the most intensively studied organisms in biology.


查看 html 我可以看到 <em> 标签没有被添加到内联引用中:

<p>The fly <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em> is one of the most intensively studied organisms in biology <span class="citation">(Adams <em>et al.</em>, 2000)</span>.</p>
<p>According to <span class="citation">Adams et al. (2000)</span>, the fly <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em> is one of the most intensively studied organisms in biology.</p>

the-plant-journal.csl 已下载 from the repository。以下是test.bib的内容:

author = {Adams, MD and Celniker, SE and Holt, RA and Evans, CA and Gocayne, JD and Amanatides, PG and Scherer, SE and Li, PW and Hoskins, RA and Galle, RF and George, RA and Lewis, SE and Richards, S and Ashburner, M and Henderson, SN and Sutton, GG and Wortman, JR},
title = {{The genome sequence of \emph{Drosophila melanogaster}}},
journal = {Science},
year = {2000},
volume = {287},
number = {5461},
pages = {2185--2195},
affiliation = {Celera Genom, Rockville, MD 20850 USA},
language = {English},
read = {Yes},
rating = {0},
date-added = {2012-03-02T23:35:05GMT},
date-modified = {2015-07-28T15:38:34GMT},
abstract = {The fly Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most intensively studied organisms in biology...},
url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/content/287/5461/2185.short}

不确定我做错了什么。我正在使用 Rstudio 0.99.473 调用 pandoc 1.13.1pandoc-citeproc 0.5。 SessionInfo 在最后。我希望这是所有必要的信息!

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

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attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] htmltools_0.2.6 tools_3.2.2     yaml_2.1.13     rmarkdown_0.8   digest_0.6.8   

我更新到 pandoc-citeproc 0.9 时修复了这个问题。