将用户定义的类型从 IronPython 传递给 C#

Pass user defined type to C# from IronPython

我使用的 C#/.NET 库 (.dll) 有许多我希望作为参数传递的用户定义的枚举类型,例如,

    public enum fieldType_e
        FIELDTYPE_NONE = 0,   // 0 - Field 
        FIELDTYPE_1,          // 1 - Field 
        FIELDTYPE_2,          // 2 - Field 
        FIELDTYPE_3,          // 3 - Field 


    public bool CMD_AddUser(int UserNumb, String PrimaryField, fieldType_e FieldType )

例如,当我从 IronPython 调用 CMD_AddUser( 1, '2222', 3) 时,它接受前两个参数(int 和 string),但拒绝类型 fieldType_e

这是一个示例 IronPython 会话:

IronPython 2.7.5 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.34209 (32-bit)
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>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath('Library.dll')
>>> import Library.Protocols.R3
>>> type(Library.Protocols.R3)
<type 'namespace#'>
>>> from Library.Protocols.R3 import R3Serial
>>> from Library.Protocols.R3 import R3_App
>>> # Instantiate Library.Protocols.R3 classes
>>> App = R3_App()
>>> R3_Serial = R3Serial("COM3", 115200, 0)
>>> R3_Serial.App.CMD_Handshake()
>>> R3_Serial.App.CMD_AddUser( 1, '2222', 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Cannot convert numeric value 3 to fieldType_e.  The value must be zero.

IronPython 识别枚举 fieldType_e 和元素 FIELDTYPE_NONE,但在我尝试使用它时抛出 AttributeError。

>>> AHG_Library.fieldType_e.FIELDTYPE_NONE
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'namespace#' object attribute 'fieldType_e' is read-only

您传递了整数 (3) 而不是枚举 fieldType_e。FIELDTYPE_3