MD 和 MKDIR 批处理命令有什么区别?

What is the difference between MD and MKDIR batch command?

这两个命令都会创建文件夹。我 read MKDIR 甚至可以创建子文件夹。

只是别名相同 command.Here 是帮助信息:

C:\>md /?
Creates a directory.

MKDIR [drive:]path
MD [drive:]path

C:\>mkdir /?
Creates a directory.

MKDIR [drive:]path
MD [drive:]path

If Command Extensions are enabled MKDIR changes as follows:

MKDIR creates any intermediate directories in the path, if needed.
For example, assume \a does not exist then:

    mkdir \a\b\c\d

is the same as:

    mkdir \a
    chdir \a
    mkdir b
    chdir b
    mkdir c
    chdir c
    mkdir d

which is what you would have to type if extensions were disabled.


cd   =  chdir
md   =  mkdir
rd   =  rmdir
ren  =  rename
del  =  erase

在Linux/Unix/MacOS上,mkdir很像,但是md没什么意思。如果你想要跨平台的东西,你应该使用 mkdir.