是否有一种通用的方法来访问 ANT 任务的结果文件集?

Is there a common way to access the resulting fileset of an ANT task?

我正在尝试编写集成 <zip> 任务的替代品,以便它支持使用 <exec>7za.exe 的密码。这个想法是直接替换 <zip> 任务。

困难在于,<zip> 支持多种方式来声明哪些文件要 include/exclude,例如:

有没有办法在 exec 任务中使用这些 fileset 指令的结果?

未记录的属性 ${toString:filesetid}有所有文件,默认分隔符是';'。
要转换分隔符使用pathconvert task,结果属性 将包含带有所选分隔符 f.e 的文件。 :

<fileset dir="C:/diff1" includes="**/*.html" id="diff">
 <different targetdir="C:/diff2"

<!-- one file one line -->
<pathconvert refid="diff" pathsep="${line.separator}" property="htmldiff"/>

<!-- blank as separator -->
<pathconvert refid="diff" pathsep=" " property="htmldiff"/>  

<echo file="C:/diff1/htmldiff.txt">${htmldiff}</echo>

用于带有 arg 行的 exec,空白作为分隔符似乎是合适的。

基于 answer 我能够想出一个类似于集成 <zip> 任务的解决方案。使用 <pathconvert> 和单引号就可以了:

<macrodef name="sevenzip" description="Command line interface for 7zip">
    <attribute name="level"  default="5"/> <!-- will be ignored for now, just to make it compatible with normal ZIP task -->
    <attribute name="basedir"/>
    <attribute name="excludes" default=""/>
    <attribute name="includes" default="**/**"/>
    <attribute name="destfile"/>
    <attribute name="password" default=""/>

        <description>7-Zip integration</description>
        <local name="passArg" />
            <equals arg1="@{password}" arg2=""/>
                <property name="passArg" value="" />
                <!-- p<SECRET> = set password of archive -->
                <property name="passArg" value='"-p@{password}"' />

        <fileset id="mask" dir="@{basedir}">
            <include name="@{includes}" />
            <exclude name="@{excludes}" />

        <local name="mask" />
        <pathconvert property="mask" refid="mask" pathsep="' '" />
        <!-- the single quotes help to wrap file names containing spaces -->

        <exec executable="${7zip.cmd}" failonerror="true">
            <!-- command -->
            <arg value="a"/>                <!-- a : add files to archive -->
            <!-- arg value="u"/ -->             <!-- u : update files to archive -->

            <!-- switches -->
            <arg value="-bd"/>              <!-- -bd : disable percentage indicator -->
            <arg value="-tzip"/>            <!-- -t<type> : set type of archive -->             

            <arg value="${passArg}"/>       

            <arg value="--"/>               <!-- : Stop switches parsing -->

            <!-- archive file -->
            <arg value="@{destfile}"/>

            <!-- file names / wildcards -->
            <arg line="'${mask}'"/>
                the single quotes are the outter wrapper for the single quotes
                from pathconvert, the line attribute add the result to the arguments
                but NOT as a single escaped string
