SimpleDateFormat 的格式化语法是 Java 发明的吗?

Is the Formatting Syntax of SimpleDateFormat a Java Invention?

日期时间格式字符串的语法是否如 Java 的 SimpleDateFormat class (like "EEE, MMM d, ''yy" and such) an original Java invention, or is it based on some other syntax definition like ICU's or CLDR's 中所定义?!

有人知道将 SimpleDateFormat 语法与其他定义进行比较的工作吗?

java.text.*,在 JDK 1.1 中引入,基于 ICU:

ICU was originally developed by the Unicode group at the IBM Globalization Center of Competency in Cupertino, and ICU was contributed to Sun for inclusion into the JDK 1.1. ICU4J includes enhanced versions of some of these contributed classes plus additional classes that complement the classes in the JDK.

ICU 拥有 SimpleDateFormat states that its symbols are based on "algorithm and pattern letters defined by UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)", which can be found here.

有趣的是,2004 年 10 月 27 日 Revision 3 的 Unicode 技术报告 #35 中引入了日期模式章节。 也许ICU是当时的原作者?